It's been a while....

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*So sorry I haven't written in months! I love this story and I love you all, I have had a hectic couple of months and I promise that this story is NOT over! :) So please enjoy this transition chapter and I'll bring back my groove. Thanks!

Currently, Louis and Harry were helping me army crawl toward the kitchen, where the smoke was coming from. There was a lot of yelling and I think I even heard a fire extinguisher.

"Where are Louis and Harry?!?!" Liam screamed in a panic....

Zayn pushed Liam aside and started panicking about his hair, "When I get my bloody hands on them I am will murder them! My hair is flat and getting chemicals in it!!!!"

I rolled on my back and laid there, just enjoying the crazy ways of my people. These are the good days. I will definitely miss having these guys with me when they do go off to their tours and go back to being all famous and crap.

~After about an hour of them all cleaning up the smoke and the burning toaster...

We were sitting around their, business like, dining table. Paul has been on the phone with Simon Cowell, and their other producers. It doesn't sound that great. I'm sitting in between Harry and Louis. Zayn and Niall are sitting across the table from me. Liam is pacing behind me.

"Alright, thank you sir." Paul hangs his phone up and stares out the window for a moment.

"Paul, just do it like a Band-Aid." I beg. He turns towards me. With this sad little smile. I am hit with a emotion of 'knowing' and then I smile politely.

Collectively, the boys are hit with confusion, "What does this mean?" Niall whispers.

I look at my hands that lie in my lap, then smile up at him.

"It means that Rain has to stay home while all of you are gone for ten months." Paul answers swiftly.

Having known these boys for so many months, and having them save me from various situations, I expected an explosion. They all simply nodded a sad, mournful nod. I took a deep breath, "how long until they leave, Paul?"

He looks at his phone for a minute, "They leave in three days." He seems to almost choke on his words, "Can I talk to you for a second?" He motions to me and walks out of the room.

I stand up, and immediately that's followed by Louis. He grips my hand and leads me to the room that Paul just entered. I looked at our hands and then up into his blueish eyes. He smiled, and tugged me into the room, then closely the door behind me.

"Rain, there's something I have to tell you." Louis spun me around and gripped my shoulders. I nervously looked over to Paul. He had tears brimming his eyes.

This was really freaking me out.

Louis smiled at me, then he kissed me. His hand trailed up to the side of my face and the other went around my back, pulling me in. I reacted immediately and started to kiss him back.

The moment was perfect...until I heard Paul start to laugh bitterly. I pulled away, just to have Lou keep me in his arms.

I looked at Paul with confusion.

"I just want you two to know that I was rooting for you both since the first time I ever met you on that airplane those months ago. I knew that this moment would happen. Rain, this isn't going to work. I hate to do this, and if it was up to me, I would try to help. But, management is saying that Louis needs to remain single, and no secret dating."

So this was it.

All the weird and hard problems, are ending like this. I just get Louis and it is ending like this?

I had been spacing off into his shirt and he gently puts a finger under my chin, and makes me look up at him.

"Don't let this get you down. These things always have a way of working out." He kisses me again and wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly.

I rest my head on his shirt and he rests his chin on my head.

Then the boys walk into the room. Zayn and Liam stand staring at us. Then creepy smiles spread to their faces. Harry has a irritated smirk, while Niall just stands there with not emotion. Like he isn't actually, mentally in the room.

We all spend time standing here and talking. Harry hugs me tight, and kisses my forehead. This action is repeated by Zayn. They are all so sweet to me and I couldn't have asked for anyone better.

Liam gets a phone call, and decides that there is a lady friend that he needs to go say goodbye to. Zayn follows this action. I kiss them both goodbye, and then I'm left with Louis, Harold, and Niall.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2013 ⏰

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