Rain, Rain, Go Away...

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Hunter had rented the smallest apartment in the history of life. It was so tiny, that I could just from the kitchen to the bathroom. I don't know if that's just me but that's gross.

My suitcases are pretty muddy from being outside. I started cleaning them up while Hunter is trying to "homey" the flat.

I pulled my phone out and called the landlord of the original apartment that I was renting. 

(Landlord-L: Rain-R)

L- "Hello?"

R-"Hi, this is Rain Burrow. I was just calling to make sure my flat was still on hold?"

L-sigh* "Well, you are very late. You should've been here a few days ago."

R-"I know, and I'm so sorry. Is there any way that you could hold it until tomorrow?"

L-"....Fine. Be here before eleven and it's still yours."

The conversation ended and I squealed! I ran up and hugged Hunter! He started laughing, "What's with all the excitement babe?"

I grinned so big that it was starting to hurt, "The woman hasn't leased my flat so I can move in tomorrow! So, you can have this one, I'll move into mine and we'll be good as new!" I started running around the apartment.

We kept screaming and jumping around until we were tired. "What time is it?" I asked, as I was dangling off the counter. 

He was laying on the back of the couch, upside-down, "Almost seven. Want to grab some grub?"

I nodded vigorously, so I quickly changed into some converse, skinny jeans, and a black singlet. I pulled my blonde hair into a low side ponytail. Hunter was sporting a long, chic, fur coat, and wingtip shoes.

I giggled at his appearance. We were going down the elevator, and Hunter gripped my chin. He was inspecting the bruise on my face, it was pretty fierce, so-says the drama king.

We walked out of the building and the neighborhood seemed a bit sketchy. Nothing we haven't grown up in though. I laced my arm to his arm, and we walked down the street until we found a little pub.

Going in, we sat at a booth and I started to scan over the menu. I am so hungry that I was salivating at everything on the menu! I almost didn't notice Hunter staring at the guys at the bar. I, inconspicuously, looked over my shoulder. Sure shit, there was a group of cute, gay men at the bar. Laughing, drinking, and making their presence known. 

I started smiling, "Hunter, go over there." I started to get giddy. He glared at me, "No way in hell, you sure don't know anything about this kind of thing." 

This took me back a little bit. I went back to reading my menu when one of the guys basically flew towards our table. I looked up a bit startled and Hunter was pretending that he wasn't paying attention.

"Uhhh, hey, I....I'm sorry. My friends pushed me over here to come talk to you." He stuttered.

Hunter rolled his eyes at the poor guy. I smiled brightly, "Well, have a seat!" I scooted over and patted my seat for him. He waved his hand up politely at me, "Oh, well I appreciate that, but I didn't come over here for you miss."

I knew he didn't, but before I could admit that, he was already sitting next to Hunter and chatting him up. Hunter was sparkly-eyed, and grinning with Andy. Then suddenly he shot me a death glare, and motioned me to leave. I furrowed my brows at him.

I grabbed my jacket and left the booth, I wasn't sure what to do so I just stayed in the pub but got a table on the opposite side of the building.

I sat down, ordered some fries and a beer. I pulled my book out of my purse and started writing in it. I love writing, right now I'm working on a song. I haven't showed anyone yet, but I'm still working every time I have some free time.

I get really into it and I'm slowly working on my fries when none-other than Mr. Paul Higgins, himself sits down across from me. 

"Hello young lady!" He grins and munches on my fries. 

I smile brightly, "Hey Paul! How are you?! I haven't seen you for a while." I sat up right, closed my book and he just chuckled.

"I'm doing fine, so, I have some business I need to take care of." He turned more serious. I just nodded, "OK, we can catch up another time." I smiled and from his last comment I thought he was going to get up and leave. 

"No, no, no...I meant that I have business with you." He readjusted his jacket and started eating more of my fries. The waiter came by asking if we needed anything else I told him to refill my drink and two more baskets of fries.

He then decided to pull a folder from 'who-knows-where' and slammed it down in front of me. It was a blank manila folder and I prodded at it with a hint of curiousity. "What's this?" I poked at it some more. 

"This is a information and research packet on our dear friend Logan. We've been watching him fairly closely and we wanted to remain one step ahead of him." He had a grizzly look and the stench of not have showered lingers over him.

"So, what does that mean for me? I don't really know what I can do to help you guys out. You were there when I told the other boys what had happened." I started to swirl my drink and fidget with my coaster.

"Rain, this isn't a movie or a book. This little prick needs to be put behind bars and his little gang will disperse not long after. Rain, you need to help us, because in the long run it's benefitting you and how long have you been dealing with this wanker?" He leaned into the table with a serious look.

I stared down into my lap. I took a deep breath and then I looked Paul in the eye, "Ok, I don't want a hand out, but I agree that he needs to go. I don't really have fear it's just that he's a constant problem for me. What do I have to do?"


I checked in with Hunter and let him know that I was going to go with Paul to West London to sort out the problems. He actually didn't care, he was pretty into Andy at the moment and there wasn't much I could say.

I went back to the flat and packed one suitcase and took that with me, I haven't really unpacked anything since leaving America. 

I'm sitting in the back of a town car, Paul is next to me, and there's an old driver in the front. 

I pulled my phone out of my purse, I have twelve different messages and missed calls from none other than One Direction themselves. I rolled my eyes and started to listen to the voicemails. Can you say desperate? Those poor boys were like chickens with their heads chopped off.

I smiled at Louis' messages, they were just picture of him cozying up in one of my forgotten sweatshirts, it was really small on him. I laughed out loud and then I showed Paul and he asked me to forward it. I did.

We had a lovely drive and it seemed to go by pretty fast. When we got to the apartment building it was swarmed by photographers and reporters. Paul wrapped an arm around my shoulders and he led me into the building. I got in the old, wirey elevator and it lifted me to the top floor.

I stepped out and I heard some yelling and then a weird silence. 

I slowly stepped into the room and there was smoke, a thick, cloud looming through the house. Paul let go of my shoulders and ran into the wall of smoke. I slowly felt my way around the room and then I stepped on something, "OW!" 

I jumped back and then, whoever I stepped on grabbed my ankle. I screamed and fell on my back.

"LOUIS!" I screamed once I saw him. He smiled so big and then he dragged me over to where he was. He hugged me and then Harry army crawled to where we were. 

"LOVE!" He jumped on me and hugged me tightly. I sputtered out a hello and he rolled off. 

"So, whose fault was this?" I coughed out a bit. Louis and Harry exchanged worried glances. 

"IT WAS HIM!" They screamed at the same time. 

Oh brother...I'm sooooo glad I'm back.

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