So long, farewell Auf Weidersehen, goodbye

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"Almost there," Liam called out. 

Louis was on the phone with management, they were aware of the dilemma. I was texting Hunter about what was going down. He was so nervous for me. I reassured him plently of times.

I didn't realize Harry and Niall were watching my keystrokes. "Errmmm do you guys mind?" I snapped my phone shut and shoved it in my pocket. I looked through the windshield and the port was right there. I got giddy and sat up straighter.

We parked and filed out of the car. I grabbed my bag, and headed towards the ticket booth. Zayn gripped under my elbow and pulled me away. 

"I took the liberty of getting you a ticket when I got ours." He waved a ticket in front of my face. I tensed, "Thank you Zayn." I went to grab it but he passed it back to Harry. Who, in return, chuckled and handed it off to Louis. I rolled my eyes at their immaturity. Niall and I linked arms and walked down to the boat dock.

Louis took my bag along with his and walked ahead of me. I am definately not excited about these guys. I barely even know them. We're getting closer to the docks and instantly there are flashes and people yelling out the boys names.

"What the-?" I begin but Zayn and Harry grab under my arms, Liam gets right in front of me. Niall is standing behind me and Louis is pushing there the photographers. "Keep you head down, and put these on." Harry growls in my ear while handing me blacked out glasses.

I do as I'm told and Zayn intertwines our fingers. I appreciate that, but why the crap are these people taking out pictures. 



There were many more but I kept my head down and we boarded the boat. We didn't just stop there, we walked in and beelined straight for the rooms. 

I walked right in to the room and the door slammed shut. I spun on my heel and stared down five guilt ridden men. 

"Tell me what that was all about!" I screamed and Liam stepped towards me. 

"We're in a famous band. One Direction." He was standing in front of me. I stared at him skeptically.

There was a moment of silence and then I laughed. Not a cute little chuckle either, a throaty guffaw. "I need a drink." I walked past them all and went to the hallway. I wasn't even around the corner yet until I saw another papparazzi. 

I turned down a different hallway and headed to the main deck to get a drink for myself. How did I not know who they were? I must be so stupid.

I ran up the stairs and found the cutest little bar. I sat myself in a stool and ordered. The Ferry took off and I placed my head in my hands. 

"Mind if I join you?" A tall brunette man was standing next to me. I looked over and I just shrugged. He took a seat and he ordered a tinney. "What's up love?" He nudged me. 

I laughed a little, "Oh you know, traveling with people I didn't know completely. Only to be blindsided by their true identities." I rubbed a hand down my face and then smiled sweetly at him. 

He looked skeptical and then just nodded for me to go on, but I just shook my head, "That's it. There's my problem. What about you?" I had turned my whole body his direction while drinking. He just laughed at himself. 

Just when he opened his mouth to talk, "Hello Murray." We both whipped our heads to the voice. Zayn and Louis were standing there. "I gave them a quizzical look. Zayn grabbed my hand and pulled me up with him. Louis stepped up to "Murray". 

"Don't you have any other celebrities to stalk and torture?" It was in a low threatening tone. My grip with Zayn was tightening with anger. Murray just laughed, took a sip, paid, and winked my way, "I'll be seeing you Ms. Burrow." 

That shocked me, how the heck did he know my name? The boys led me back to their room. I got in there and Niall wrapped me into a hug. I awkwardly returned it, "Umm hey guys." 

"What did you tell him?" Zayn was gripping my hand. I stared at him hard, "I was very discreet. I wasn't just going to spill your guys' secrets. Speaking of which... whose idea was it to 'Not tell Rain about our true identity?'" Everyone was visibly shrinking.

I scoffed, and walked away from them. I felt hurt by their lack of sharing. 

Stop it Rain! I told myself. They have no obligation to you. There's enough in your life without getting attached to these losers. You have your parents to think about, could I have forgotten? 

I still had my back to the guys so when my parents loss crossed my mind I had tears threatening to spill over. This is messy, I don't want any of this. I just want to take a nap. It's almost eleven. We have an eight hour ride.

I still hadn't turned back to them. 

"Rain, why don't you take the bed, we've all got a meeting to attend up deck with a manager." Liam patted my shoulder and I just nodded. 

I pulled a sweatshirt out of my bag and traded it for my tanktop. I cleaned my bandage on my hand and slipped into the covers. Tears, they were inevitable, so I curled up into the duvet and held myself tight.



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