E i g h t e e n ~ "A l i t t l e b u s y"

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I handed Courtney my inhaler. She looked at me and examined my face and neck. She then nodded. I smiled. I was allowed to play tonight. I hugged her before changing. Kylie came running down the hall when she saw me. She jumped in my arms.

"I am so glad you're okay!" she yelled. I giggled as she got off of me. "Next time tell me when you have an allergic reaction!"

"Sorry, I was a little busy having an allergic reaction." I said as we walked out to the court. I kind of forgot that we were playing Phoenix.

"I need to tell you something after the game." She ran off to warm up with her team. I saw one of our athletic directors. He wanted me to stretch. I really didn't want to. I layed down. He pushed my leg as far as it could go. I let out a cry. All he did was laugh. I really wanted to punch him in the face. After stretching, I warmed up with shooting. The national anthem came next and then starting line ups.

"O'Neal, you're jumping with your sister." Coach yelled. My eyes widened. I walked to the center. Kylie stuck her hand out. I smirk as I got ready to jump. I heard her make a noise. The ref threw the ball up. Kylie may be taller than me, but I can jump higher. I won the tip and sent it to Candace. I smirked at Kylie as we headed down the court. Candace passed it to Kristi. She dribbled it for a couple seconds and did a small handle. As Kylie put a hand on my chest, Kristi passed me the ball. I pushed passed Kylie and ran into the paint. As I jumped up to finger roll the ball in, Kylie pushed me to the ground. I was the last to touch the ball as it went out of bounds. Kylie smirked. I glared at her. I jumped to my feet. I was fouled. The ball should be ours. I rolled my eyes at my sister who was still smirking and turned around. I saw everyone in my family In the front row. They were all wearing Kylie's jersey. I nodded my head. Fine, have it your way. I'll show you that I don't need you. I stood in front of Kylie as she dribbled the ball. I smirked. She looked at me with confusion. I stole the ball from her and ran down the court. I got an easy lay up. We went back and forth for most of the game. It was almost like the all star game. I stood at the free throw line as Diana shot a free throw and another. She made both. I was having a hard time breathing. I looked over at coach. She nodded and called a 20 second timeout. Courtney rushed to me with my inhaler. Coach went over a game plan while I tried to breath normally.

"Ally, are you okay?" Courtney asked. I nodded.

"I'll be fine!" I said even though I probably wouldn't be.

It's two minutes left in the game. Candace had the ball. She went to shoot it, but Brittney blocked it. Kylie and I raced to save it. I dived into the front row and saved it. Candace caught it as I landed in someone's lap. Candace shot a three and made it. Both teams made their way to the other side. I got up and turned around. My cheeks turned bright red when I saw Blake.

"Sorry." I said. He laughed.

"It's okay." he said. I giggled as I turned around and trotted down the court. A ref trotted down with me.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. Candace stole the ball. She passed it to me and I ran down the court. Kylie tried to catch up to me, but it was too late as I finger rolled the ball in.

Sparks won! I was in the tunnel with Candace after we changed and did a press conference. Kylie walked up to us with the all star MVP trophy.

"It's yours." she said. "Sorry that mom can be a bitch sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I asked with a laugh. "More like all the time."

Kylie rolled her eyes. She held out my inhaler. I sighed in relief. I still needed it. My parents came into the tunnel. I groaned.

"Kylie, you were amazing tonight." Mom said.

"Thanks mom." Kylie said. "Ally was too, right?"

"Yeah, I mean, she was alright."

"Shug, let's go." Candace said. I nodded. We walked back out onto the court. Blake was there with his parents, brother, and sister in law. Blake and Taylor were playing one on one. I grabbed the ball from Blake. He glared at me. I smirked as I passed the ball to Candace. She finger rolled it in.

"Ight, I can play like that." Blake said. I shook my head. "I can."

"Nah." I said.

"Allyson!" Kylie screamed. I turned around when I heard the clicking of her heels on the floor. "Do you remember what I told you before the game?"

"Yeah, listen, can we talk over video chat later tonight?" I asked. "I'm kind of busy!" I whispered.

She looked behind me then back at me. She nodded.

"Love you!" I said. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I wonder what's up her butt. It was Blake and Taylor against Candace and me for a while until security said we had to leave. There was a not on my windshield. I grabbed it to read it, but couldn't because Blake got my attention.

"You and Candace should come to the beach with us." he said. I looked at Candace. She nodded. I looked back at Blake and nodded.


Hope you enjoy the double update. Again, THANK YOU for all the reads and votes!It really means something to me that you guys actually read my 'book'. 

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