T h r e e ~ "D r u g s"

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~Blake's P.O.V.~

After Ally slammed the door in my face, I watched her disappear behind a wall with her dog in tow. He ended up coming back after I heard a door slam. He began whimpering at the door and trying to open the door. I shook it off and went back to my place. Everyone showed up shortly after me and DJ got back. Candace Parker came up to me and hugged me.

"I thought you said Ally was gonna be here." she said. "I was really looking forward to meeting her."

I motioned for her to follow me. We went out onto my back porch where no one was.

"Do you remember all those articles a few years ago about Hugh O'Neal's daughter getting charged with DUI's and underaged drinking at a party?" I asked.

"Yeah, but they never said if it was Ally or Kylie."

"Well, they did say that the daughter had a drinking and drug problem and had to go to rehab, but Hugh got her out of it and all she had to do was community service."

"What's your point?"

"I think Ally is that daughter." She looked at me to see if I was joking or lying or something.

"Why?" I sighed.

"I invited her over like an hour ago and she fell to the ground crying. When she came back to reality, she pretended like nothing was wrong, took a beer, said she had plans, and disappeared somewhere in her house after slamming the door in my face."

"We have to go check to see if everything's okay."

We walked over to Ally's house and up the steps of her back porch. Candace began banging on the door. After five minutes of non stop banging she gave up. Ally's dog came back to the door though. He began pawing at the handle. Candace went to walk down the stairs but I pulled her back.

"What?" she asked. "Its no use, she's not coming to the door."

"I think the dog is trying to tell us that the door is open." I said. She looked at me like I was crazy before looking at the dog who was still pawing at the handle. Candace reached down and pulled the handle. The door opened. The dog began to bark as he jumped into the air and ran to the hallway that Ally disappeared behind. We stepped into the house. The dog ran back to us and then back the way Ally disappeared. I followed the dog with Candace behind me. The dog was barking and whining in front of a closed door that led into Ally's room. I only know this from the night she moved in.

"I'm guessing she's in there." Candace said. I glared at her. Now is not the time to make jokes. I opened the door. Ally was on the bed. I walked into the room to see if she was awake. She wasn't her eyes are closed. I checked to see if she was still alive and breathing. She was but barely. Someone began to call her on skype on her laptop.

"Answer it!" Candace demanded. I shook my head no. I am not going to invade her privacy by doing something like that. "Stop being a wuss and answer it! Someone needs to know that she's barely breathing."

"I'm fine!" Ally mumbled. I sighed in relief. "I just drank too much."

She cancelled the incoming call and sat up straight.

"What're you guys doing in my house?" she asked. I looked at Candace for her to answer.

"Well, we were worried about you and your dog was freaking out and the door was unlocked." Candace explained. "I'm Candace by the way. You're new team-"

"I know who you are!" Ally snapped as she got off of the bed. Her stomach made a large growl. "I can sober up in like twenty minutes. Do I still have that invite?"

She had hope in her eyes. I smiled and nodded.

~End Of Blake's P.O.V.~

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