T w o ~ "P l a n s"

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*Beep**Beep**Beep* I woke up to my alarm clock. I rolled over to turn it off. Its 6:30 in the morning. I rolled out of bed to change into workout clothes. I put on black and pink Nike compression shorts with a black sports bra along with black jordans. Bandit was waiting by the door for me when I walked down the stairs into the mudroom area of my house. I put him on a leash, played music on my phone with one earbud in, and started running. There was a park down the street which wasn't the one Blake brought me to yesterday. Speaking of that, I really missed home and he was able to get my mind off of that. I thought that was impossible for anybody but my sister to do. He made me laugh a lot too. I blushed more than I normally do too. All in all, he's a great guy and I kind of like him. He would never feel the same way though so I'll just ignore those feelings.

"Hey, Allyson, call me Ally!" someone called behind me. I stopped running and smiled because I knew who it was. I turned around to find Blake and two of his teammates, DeAndre, or DJ, and Matt. "Whatcha doin' here?"
"Going on a run before I do all the things I had to do yesterday but couldn't because someone dragged me out of my bed." I said. He smirked at me. I couldn't help but to blush.

"You look cute when you blush." I blushed even more just because he said I looked cute.

"I'm not wearing any makeup, I don't think I look cute doing anything right now."

I looked at the time. I had to get home if I was going to be able to video chat my sister and mom.

"I have to go, I guess I'll see you guys later." I said. Blake leaned down and hugged me. I blushed a little. I loved the feeling of being in his arms. We went our separate ways after a few seconds. I ran home and immediately went to my room. I cleaned up and got into better clothing than I was in. I also put makeup on even though it was just my sister and my mom. I called my sister on skype and waited for her to answer.

"Hey!" Kylie yelled. I smiled and covered my face with my hand.

"I miss you so much already." I said.

"Same here." I removed my hand. My sister smiled. She always does when I show my smile. "So, I met with one of my new teammates today. She said that I look like I could be your twin."

"We do look alike." I agreed. "I think Tyriek and Aliah are the only twins in our family though."

"Yeah, hopefully they're the last siblings too."

"Let's add mom to this call." I said. My sister nodded in agreement. I called my mom. We both sat in silence as we waited for her to answer.

"Hey baby girls." she said when she finally answered. I smiled as I looked down at my phone. There was a text from my agent. I locked my phone and threw it at the end of my bed. "So, have you guys met any cute guys yet?"

I laughed. My sister started talking about her neighborhood and who lives in it and what not. I patiently waited to tell my stories to my mom. I knew I wouldn't get to tell them though. My mom talked to my sister the whole time. I think they even forgot I was in this call too.

"Guys, I gotta go. I still have tons of boxes to unpack and shit. I'll talk to you later." I said after a while of being ignored. I hung up without letting them answer. A tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly caught it as Bandit jumped onto the bed. He always came to comfort me when I was down or injured or something.

"I'm fine." I said as I scratched behind his ear. He put his head down on my knee. He let out a little whine. "Okay, maybe I'm not. But, what do you care? You're a dog. you have all the love you want. I have none."

I got up and walked to the kitchen. Bandit followed. It was a little after one. I opened my fridge. There was nothing in it except two bottles of wine and a case of beer. I bit my lip as I slowly closed the door. I can't lose control before the season even starts. Dad won't be able to bail me out this time. Like he wanted to the other times. He just didn't want me making a bad name for our family.

A knock came on the door to take me out of my thoughts. I slid open the back door to find Blake and DJ standing there. A part of me wanted to slam the door in their faces because I wanted to be left alone, but I didn't.

"Can I help you?" I asked. Bandit growled behind me. I guess he could tell I didn't want them here.

"I'm having a cookout at my house, you should come." Blake said. I went to say something, but he continued. "Some of your teammates will be there."

"I have plans." I lied. I was probably going to sulk in my room and cry until I gave into the alcohol calling my name. I can hear it now. Ally. Ally. You know you want to take a sip. Just one sip. But that's also a lie. One sip will lead to a second, then a third, then a fourth, and so on, and so on until I'm so drunk that I can't even walk. I can hear the lock box under my bed saying something like the alcohol is. Ally. Ally. You know you want one. Just one. It'll take all your worries away. That's another lie. One will lead to two, then three, then four, then five, then six, and so on, and so on until I overdose and wake up in a hospital bed with two disappointed parents who lie to their other children about the real reason why I'm in the hospital because I'm such a disappointment.

Apparently I dropped to my knees and started crying because Blake was sitting next me rubbing my back. I pushed him away and stood up. I wiped the tears away before grabbing a beer out of the fridge.

"I have plans." I repeated before going to my room. I closed the door behind me and didn't let Bandit in. I slid to the floor. The bottle of beer was staring me right in the face repeating the same thing over and over again. I finally gave in as I opened the bottle.

"You win!" I said as I took a sip. It wasn't long before the bottle was empty and I went to get another one and another one and another one. I heard banging on the door but ignored it. Who cares about me anyways?

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