N i n e t e e n ~ "K i s s"

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Candace got out of the car before me. I looked at the note that I put in my pocket. It really couldn't be that bad. It could wait. I put it in the glove compartment and got out. It was really windy. Candace and I sat in the sand and watched Blake and Taylor play catch with a foam football.

"Do you like Blake?" Candace asked out of the blue. Blake's sister in law, Marieka, looked over at us. My cheeks turned bright red.

"I hate you!" I said.

"You're a rookie." I looked at her. "I have to mess with you somehow."

"Yeah, but you could popcorn my car or make me vacuum the locker room or carry your bags." She laughed like I was crazy.

"I do things a little different than my teammates." I groaned. "So do you?"

"I'm not answering that!"

"So you do!" My cheeks got bright red. Candace stood up. "Hey Blake!"

"I'm gonna tackle you!" I screamed. I got up and ran after her. She stopped and turned around laughing. I looked at her with confusion. She smirked as she picked me up and started walking towards the water. A few steps in and she threw me in. I walked out of the water shivering my ass off. Blake smirked at me. I walked passed him to go to my car. I had a sweater in there.

"Where ya going?" Blake asked.

"To get a sweatshirt." I yelled back. Blake ran over to me and in front of me to get me to stop.

"Have mine." He took off his Clippers sweatshirt and handed it to me. I smiled as my cheeks blushed.

"It's red though." I looked up at him. "What if someone sees me?"

"There's black on it. It says we are one in black under the team name." I laughed. He was still holding the sweatshirt up. I licked my top lip as I reached out for it. He moved it back. I looked at him with a sad face.

"One condition!" he said. I motioned for him to move on. "You give me a kiss on the cheek."

My cheeks turned red. He leaned down so I could reach his cheek. I rolled my eyes and leaned in to kiss his cheek. He turned his head right when I was about to kiss him. Instead of his cheek, I kissed his lips. I pushed him away.

"Happy?" I asked. He nodded and handed me the sweatshirt. I put it on and turned around. Candace was smirking. I smiled and nodded. Her face went blank. I ran towards her, jumped on her, and we both fell to the ground.

"You're a bitch!" I yelled. She smiled.

"I know!" she said proudly. I kneed her in the ribs before getting up. "Alright, well I have to go and Ally is my ride."

"Alright well bye!" I said. Blake opened his arms and hugged me. I blushed as I hugged him back.

"Text me!" he whispered as he slid a piece of paper into my pocket. "You can also keep the hoodie."

I was smiling when he pulled away. Candace and I got into my car. I added his number into my phone and put a whole bunch of heart emojis next to his name with the smile still on my face. I sent him a text before putting my car in drive and speeding away.

"What did he slip into your pocket?" Candace asked as I looked down at my phone. Blake texted back.

"I'm not talking to you until you're home and safe!"

I laughed. I put my phone down. Candace was waiting for an answer from me. I forgot she even asked anything.

"His number." I said. She smirked.

"You do like him." she said.

"Yes, I do, but if you tell anyone, I will slice your throat." She smiled and nodded.

"It's okay, I won't say anything."

"Thank you." She nodded. The rest of the car ride was silent. Candace couldn't even get out of the car without her daughter running into her arms. I smiled. It was so adorable. I drove home with the song Don't Go blasting through my speakers. I stayed up until three texting Blake. Right when I was about to go to sleep, Kylie texted me. Shit! I forgot that she needed to talk.

Ky: I guess you forgot, so I'll just tell you now. A couple weeks ago, I went to the doctors to get some tests done because I wasn't feeling very well. The tests came back saying that I was pregnant. I'm out for the rest of the season. I really need your help on choosing what I should do with this baby. I don't want to abort it. That is out of the question. I need help choosing whether or not I should keep it or put it up for adoption. I don't think I can take care of this baby on my own. I also don't think I can make this decision on my own. Please don't tell mom or dad or anyone in the family. I'll tell them when I'm ready.

I put my phone down. I had so many questions. Why didn't she tell me earlier? Why didn't she use force with me when she wanted to talk? Who the hell is the father? 


I have a story to tell.

So my mom runs a program at church called the secret prayer partner. We had to fill out a questionnaire that our secret prayer partner would keep so they could know stuff about us. Throughout the whole Sunday School year, we're supposed to pray for the person we got. We can write them letters and get them gifts if we choose to. So the person who got me wrote me a note and got me  present. The note said that they read that the Clippers were my favorite basketball team and they got me a Clippers key chain. I know its a small gift, but it means so much to me. I live on the east coast, so its really hard to get a west coast team's merch. Plus, the merch costs a lot. Also, my family doesn't support the fact that I'm not a Boston fan. Like, I don't like any of the Boston teams. They never get me any of LA's merch because they don't like them, so when I opened the box and saw the key chain, I was brought to tears.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Also, I'm gonna be updating at least once more today just because I freakin' love my secret prayer partner (even tho I don't know who it is) for getting me that gift.


Hydie Linn 

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