T h i r t y t w o ~ "I l o v e y o u"

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I took a three point shot from the corner. I held my hands up in the air as the ball made its way to the basket. It bounced off of the rim and to the ground. I let out a scream of frustration. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest.

"What's going on with you today?" Jack, my shooting coach, said. I let out a sigh and ran my hands through my hair.

"I don't know." I said unconvincingly. He sat down indian style on the floor next to me.

"Tell me the truth." I let out a sigh.

"Before I left, Blake said he loved me. I kind of left without saying it back"

"Get up!" he demanded as he stood up. I gave him a questioning look. He waved his arm for me to get up. I slowly stood up. He passed the ball to me. "You make it, you love him."

I spun the ball around on my middle finger. I dribbled it a couple times before holding it in front of my face. I dribbled it in between my legs and behind my back. I shot it up and held my hands in the air as it made its way to the basket. It went in with nothing but net. I let out a sigh of relief.

"One had nothing to do with the other!" I said through clenched teeth. I kicked up the ball into my hands and threw it at him.

"Nope, but it got you to get out of your slump." he said with a smirk. "Now, one on one."

He blew his whistle in my ear and shot the ball up. I ran over to the basket. The ball bounced off of the rim. I jumped up to get the rebound. Jack jumped up and pushed me to the ground. I slid onto my butt.

"That's a foul!" I screamed. "Its a fucking foul when you push someone! Especially the way you did! Its an obvious foul!"

"Listen to her." a voice said from the corridor. I looked over and saw Blake, DJ, Austin, Chris, and JJ. I got up off of the floor and straightened out my clothes. Jack stood next to me trying not to laugh. I punched his arm.

"Just for that, you can do a hundred suicides." Jack said. My jaw dropped. Jack moved out of the way.

"Are you serious?" I asked in a scream. "You're a shooting coach, not a fucking trainer!"

He didn't answer. I let out a scream as I made my way to the out of bounds line. He blew his whistle. I got into a lunge and darted across the court. I slid to slow down at the end and turned around to go back to Jack. He stopped me about half way through. I fell to the ground and covered my face with my arms.

"How do your legs feel?" Jack asked.

"I've already run six miles today. Coach doesn't even have us do this many suicides." I said. Jack laughed. He held out his hand. I grabbed it and he pulled me to my feet. I walked over to the bench and grabbed my water.

"Now, do I get to shoot free throws or are you going to pretend that you never touched me?" I asked. He laughed and threw the basketball at me. I walked over to the free throw line and shot both free throws. I got each one of them in. I gave Jack a wide smile. I kicked the ball up into my hands. He walked over to me and punched the ball out of my hands.

"Jackson!" I screamed. He laughed. He picked the ball up off of the ground. He ran to the basket and dunked it. I let out a scream. He turned around and looked at me with wide eyes.

"I can do that too!" I said while rolling my eyes and bringing my head back.

"Show me!" he yelled. My eyes widened. He smirked. Jack passed me the ball. I began to shake. Jack's smirk got bigger. I dribbled the ball at the free throw line. I held the ball in my hands and stared at it.

"I take it back." I said. Suddenly, someone picked me up and brought me over to the basket. I put the ball in and they put me down. I looked over my shoulder to see Blake with a smile on his face. I smiled widely at him. Jack bent down to see what would happen. I pushed him away. Blake leaned down and kissed me.

"I love you." I said when he pulled away. He smiled.

"I love you too." he said. 


Hey guys xx

I hope y'all like the new cover as well as this chapter. 

I'm sorry that this is a late update, but I have two tests to study for and I also have an essay to write along with shit ton more homework. I don't get it coz tomorrow is a half day, they should give us a break from all this testing and stuff. I've pulled all-nighters most of this week due to a whole bunch of tests and stuff. Next week is gonna be worse. 

Anyway, enough about me and my problems. How are you guys? I hope y'all are good and happy:)

REMINDER: There will be smut in an up coming chapter very near into the future. I don't know how many chapters a head yet, but I am just letting you guys know. I will put an author's note at the beginning of said chapter to warn you guys as well as stars (*) to indicate where the smut begins and ends.

Story time: I was working with the children the other day and they were playing before snack. Two of the boys started legit having a fist fight. They're three. It was so scary. I had no idea what to do. I tried to get them away from each other, but they wouldn't separate. The three preschool teachers there had to separate them. I never want to go through something like that again.

Moral of the story: Don't underestimate a three year old.


Hydie Linn

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