T w e n t y t h r e e ~ "T a t t o o s"

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Security led us to our seats. I took my seat next to Blake. He wrapped an arm around me. I draped my arm over his crossed legs. His teammates, JJ, DJ, Chris, Austin, and Paul sat down next to Blake with their girlfriends and wives. The UCONN team was practicing on the field. I played with my lip ring as I watched my brother behind home plate practice with the pitcher of the team.

"So, who's your brother?" Gail asked. I pointed to the catcher. She nodded her head. The team went into the dugout. UCLA hit the field and the first batter for UCONN 'went to the plate after practicing a few swings. The first pitch was a strike. I leaned forward as the second pitch was thrown. He got the hit. It went straight passed the left fielder and hit the ground near the fence. He got to second base before the ball got close to him. Not taking the chance, he stayed at second. I could feel someone staring at my ribs as I watched the game. I turned my head to the side. Marieka was trying to read the quote on my ribs.

"It says 'I'm addicted to silence and privacy; I wallow in it'." I said. She smiled awkwardly. I giggled.

"Sorry, I just love all your tattoos. They're so beautiful and I love hearing the stories behind them." she explained. "So what's the story behind this one?"

"It explains who I am as a person. I don't like being in a crowd. I don't like people being in my business. I was going to get a much ruder quote until I saw this one on Tumblr."

"Nice, now I've had this question for a while now. I just never asked you it." She shifted in her seat to be facing me. I kept my eyes on the field. UCONN got one run before three outs were called in a row. They took the field now. "What does it say above your butt? I've seen it when we've gone to the beach, but I could never read it."

"It says 'Hell is empty and all the demons are here'. I got it when I was 16. One of my aunts killed herself. It was my first tattoo."

Marieka didn't say anything. I continued to watch the game. UCONN won 6-0. Tyler ran over to the fence where we were. I got up and hugged him over the fence. He pulled me over the fence. I let out a squeal and wrapped my arms and legs around him tightly. I was scared that he would drop me.

"Al, let me go. I'm not going to drop you." Tyler said. I jumped down from him. He took a deep breath. "We'll meet you in the parking lot. I need to borrow Al for a sec."

Tyler pulled me towards the dugout. I waited as he gathered his bag. I locked my elbow with his and we walked towards the parking lot.

"The teams going to the beach. You guys can come if you want." Tyler said.

"Okay, I'll talk with Blake. He has a flight tonight to go to Minnesota. We might be able to go, but not for the whole time." I said.

"Also, could you take me to get a tattoo for my birthday?" he asked with a smile. I glared at him.

"Mom and dad would kill me, Tyler!" He sighed.

"You got your first tattoo when you were 16. I'm 23!"

"Tyler, I bought it myself. I talked it over with mom and dad. They said that I had to be out of their house to get a tattoo. I moved in with my best friend just to get it. You're still living with them. They'll have your head before the tattoo is even finished." We got to the car. Blake was sitting on the trunk while DJ and Amber leaned up against it. I pulled my arm away from Tyler.

"Wanna go to the beach before you have to go home and pack?" I asked. Blake nodded his head. He jumped off of the trunk and pulled me into a hug. He held my head against his chest with his hand as he leaned down and kissed my head. Tyler waved at us as he headed towards the bus. I turned my head and nestled it in between Blake's arm and ribs.

"What happened?" he asked in a whisper in my ear.

"Nothing. He wants a tattoo and I won't take him to get one." I said.

"Why won't you take him?"

"Because he's still living with my parents. They said we all have to be out of their house before we get a tattoo. I moved in with my best friend just to get my first tattoo. They were completely fine signing the form because I wasn't living with them. He may be 23, but he's still living with them. He needs to respect their rules."

"He'll get over it."


Sorry that its a semi-late update. I went out caroling at nursing homes with some people from the church I go to and we stayed way later than I expected. Plus, it was way too emotional for me. We went to the nursing home that my aunt is in and seeing her was so scary and sad with how she looked. I broke down in tears and had to leave to collect myself. I'm also still very sick and my bandmate dragged me to practice. I was terrible.

I hope you guys like the chapter. If you do, feel free to check out my other works. You don't have to if you don't want to.


Hydie Linn

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