Chapter 16

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I got to school and had a pill for a headache. I had stuff to do at the cafeteria and then I met this girl name Bonnie Bennett that was a descendant from Emily Bennett. Emily is a witch during the undead rising. The undead rising was about vampires killing and trying to take over Salem in 1768. Witches took over part of Salem and then made a deal with the vampire creatures. Vampires go back to Europe and no one gets hurt but the witches had to sacrifice two of their own. Now til this day, no one has seen a vampire or witch in 247 years. But bonnie thinks she has pictures of Emily and the leader of the vampires. She so cool and funny to me and isn't afraid of creatures. Plus we have something in common, maybe she's a witch also and we can learn spells together. We were decorating the cafeteria and packing the sale booth that me and Ashton were supposed to do for the dance but he left. Suddenly Caroline Forbes came in rushing with a bloody t -shirt on her neck. Her hair and clothes were all bloody beside her was Matt with blood all over him also "HELP! HELP!! PLEASE SOMEONE!" Caroline was full with tears and everyone was freaked out. Bonnie and I helped her and Matt then the teachers cleared the cafeteria and ran to get the the nurse and get more help. "Caroline listen to me. Look at me. Don't talk or you Matt. Wait until the ambulance comes." Bonnie was scared and tried to get Caroline calm. Both had their throat bleeding and two dots on their necks. A couple minutes later, Bonnie and I watched both victims getting carried to the ambulance car. Bonnie was horrified and worried for Caroline and Matt. "I'm going! I'll be right with you care. I'm here." she said. "Bonnie ! Bonnie! I'll take you to the hospital. Let's go." She got in the car and I followed behind. After 30 minutes when we got there, she rushed in before I could get off the car. I ran behind her and she talked to the nurse about which room Caroline and Matt were at. She visit Caroline and I went to see Matt. I kinda knew him my math and reading. We sometimes said hi and texted what we had for homework. I saw Valerie (Cliffordpizza123) at the hospital also. "Val? Why are you here?" Her eyes were red. "My parents were in a accident. They have serious life and death situations. 50% live or not." I gave her a hug and told her I had to leave.

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