Chapter 6 (Picture of Jade)

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To the right there's a picture of Jade :)

Chapter 6


I struggle to find my faith

As I'm slipping from your arms

It's getting harder to stay awake

And my strength is fading fast

You breathe into me at last

I'm awake, I'm alive

Now I know what I believe inside

Now it's my time


Awake and Alive- Skillet

I felt something tickle my face gently, almost like a feather. It moved across my cheek and down my neck.

I sighed contently and then I was hit in the face that caused me to jolt awake. I blinked opened my eyes and rolled over to kiss the floor good morning.

"What the hell?!" I groaned my face still plastered to the floor.

My answer was uncontrollable laughter and I slowly propped myself on my elbows.

I rubbed my eyes and I glared at my best friends menacingly as Mag held a feather and Hail the pillow.

"I hate you both" I stated and I got up slowly. I grabbed my pillow and smacked both of them multiple times grinning as they screamed, before I strutted off to the washroom to take a shower.

The washroom like every other room was big. To my left along the wall was a long white counter with two shiny white sinks. Then against the back wall was the bathtub that was big enough to be a large jacuzzi. I swear you could fit at least 10 people in there. There was also a closet with all the bathroom products we might need.

Then straight to my right was the large shower with glass door and the shower head was on the ceiling so it was almost like it was raining on you.

I took off my pyjamas and climbed into the shower. I was hit with warm water instantly and I slowly relaxed.

I thought back to my dream and I frowned slightly. Dreams don't mean anything right? Aren't they just based on your last thought before you fell asleep.

I shook my head and water from my hair hit the shower door. I was over thinking it just like I always do in many situations.

I sighed if only that dream were real then maybe I finally won't be so confused. Perhaps if I do everything in that dream it will come true.

I think it's worth a shot because it's not like Carter will ever like me. My heart clenched just at the thought of Carter.


"Hurry up Jade!! Your not the only one who needs to shower" Haileys voice called through the door. I rolled my eyes playfully, but quickly finished washing my hair and got out.

I took a fluffy white towel off the rack and wrapped it around me. I threw open the door and walked out as Hailey walked in.

I walked back to Maggies room feeling refreshed and I entered her closet. I fixed my towel before I started looking through her clothes.

"Mag do you have a red Asking Alexandria shirt?" I called out.

"Uhh, yeah check in one of the drawers" she called back.

I looked around and counted 12 drawers. I sighed and started my search.

In the process of my search I found the black skirt and tights. I opened lucky drawer number 10 and right at the bottom was my shirt.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now