Chapter 21

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Here it is, Finally! I know I'm so sorry!! I have this little cartoon image of people yelling at me :( but it's all good I'm glad I finished it :) an author's note is posted at the end which you should read and the song I chose is absolutely beautiful and amazingly written. One of the first bands that I've fallen in love with on spot :D <3 any way enjoy!

Chapter 21


I'm here again

A thousand miles away from you

A broken mess, just scattered pieces of who I am

I tried so hard

Thought I could do this on my own

I've lost so much along the way

Then I'll see your face

I know I'm finally yours

I find everything I thought I lost before

You call my name

I come to you in pieces

So you can make me whole

I've come undone

But you make sense of who I am

Like puzzle pieces in your eye


Pieces- Red


"You... you knew all along what he had planned right?" I mumbled as Maggie drove.

"Yeah, he called me and asked me to do this and he's going to pay me back for everything" she murmured softly.

"Why... why didn't you tell me?" I demanded and bit my lip to prevent me from getting too worked up.

"I figured it was a nice surprise where the guy you like, tells you he likes you back, on a yacht and at night" she exclaimed and her jaw was tight.

"Maybe I should have told you sooner, but I'm dating Sean. He asked yesterday and I said yes" I told her, bitterly.

"Yeah, that might have helped" she responded. "What did you tell him?"

"The truth and I walked off before I could see his reaction" I explained and I clenched my hand.

"Jade... what are you going to do?" she asked quietly.

"Absolutly nothing" I answered and shrugged. "It's Carters fault for being late."

"Enough emotions how about some music to clear your head?" she asked giving me a small smile. She reached for her iPod and played Winds Of Plague.

"Thanks for driving me home" I told her and hugged her before I got out. She waved as she drove off and I walked inside my house. I checked my iPhone and I had a few texts from Sean.

'Heyy how's the party?'

'Want to do something tomorrow?'

'Miss you'

I smiled and sent him a quick text back.

'Sure, I haven't got anything planned'

I fell onto my bed and I layed there staring at my ceiling.

Carter. Sean. Carter. Sean

He likes me, he likes me

Crush, best friend

New, familiar

Aghhhhhh, I was driving myself insane and I needed to get them out of my head. I was dating Sean now and I tried picturing him in my mind, but somehow Carters face kept popping up instead. My internal battle raged on and it kept playing out until I finally fell asleep still in my dress.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now