Chapter 9 (Picture of Carter)

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Picture of Carter to your right ;]

Chapter 9


Is it her, Could it be,

Should my eyes believe what they see

If you are who I think you are

I might lose my mind

Just a kiss, from her lips

And I would simply fall to this

The way her hips swing back and forth

I've got butterflies


The Lover by: Alesana

I was sitting in English class glaring at the clock. I watched as the time ticked away and the stupid hand wouldn't move. I started to drum my fingers on the desk as I grew more and more impatient. English was my last class and I couldn't wait to leave.

Crap, I still have a stupid detention. I placed my head on the desk and stared at my worksheet on Romeo and Juliet that I had finished within the first 15 minutes. I groaned, I was so bored.

I lifted my head to glare at the clock again and silently wishing I could have the superpower to read minds so I would be entertained.

"Is there something wrong Jade?" Mr. Owens asked me with an eyebrow raised.

He was the schools youngest teacher and all and I mean all the girls had a crush on him. He's 22 years old with short brown hair and a perfect body according to every girl. He's not ugly that's for sure, but not my type and I don't daydream about my teacher.

"You tell me" I answered rolling my eyes without looking at him.

"If I could I wouldn't have asked" he responded clearly amused. I smiled slightly and turned to look at him.

"I'm bored out of my mind" I told him.

"Well, I'm sure glaring at the clock is helping you, right?" he asked and slowly walked back without letting me answer.

I grimaced and turned to continue to glare at the clock. Jerk. I can't believe some girls are attracted to him. I could already feel their envious stares and I sighed.

Finally the bell rang and I jumped up. I had spent the last 30 minutes daydreaming about my dream superpower to read minds and Carter.

I finished gathering my books and on my way out I left my worksheet on Mr. Owens desk. I had quite a bit of homework so in a way detention was going to let me concentrate better.

Once I opened my locker I started to stuff my books into my bag and as I was bent over placing my math binder into my bag I felt a shadow fall over me.

"Hey!" someone yelled at me. I jumped out if my skin and shrieked a bit.

"What the hell?!" I asked angrily looking up. I realized it was Carter who was currently doubled over with laughter.

"You should have seen your face and did you hear your scream?" he sputter between laughs.

I huffed loudly and slung my bag over my shoulder. I got up to leave after closing my locker, but Carter caught my arm and stopped me.

"Sorry about that, I came by to just walk with you to detention" he told me smiling slightly as he let go of my arm.

"Whatever" I told him and continued to start walking.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now