Chapter 15

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I always share a link to the song at the start of each chapter and they all usually have something to do with the story and they are awesome so yeah listen to it if you want obviously x) anyway here's the next chapter :)

Chapter 15


Once more, I'll say goodbye to you

Things happen, but we don't really know why

If it's supposed to be like this

Why do most of us ignore the chance to miss?

Torn apart at the seams and my dreams turn to tears

I'm not feeling this situation

Run away try to find that safe place you can hide

The best place to be when you're feeling like me


All These Things I Hate (Revolve Around Me)- Bullet For My Valentine


I was sitting in my French class fiddling with my pencil. Quietly I pulled out a piece of paper and started to doodle random things. I was drawing an eye, an anime eye to be specific. My thoughts drifted off and brought me back to this morning. I woke up to a note from Sean and I remembered it word by word since it wasn't long.

You owe me. Love you Jay


I didn't really understand until my mom told me Sean carried me into the house and put me to bed since I had fallen asleep on the way back. That has got to be the sweetest thing ever and I smiled.

"Jade, c'est quoi la réponse?" Ms. Pellier asked bringing me back to reality. In English she asked me what the answer was.

"Elle a commencé a danser la journée que Mathieu a tombé" I answered and she smiled then continued the lesson. Ms. Pellier is one of the few teachers that like me because I like her so no conflict, even though I hate French.

After class she gave us a few pages to do and I joined the crowd until I reached my locker. I turned the dial on my lock and exchanged books when it opened. I still had time until my next class so I quickly texted Sean.

'Thanks for yesterday. Dinner on me tonight, if you can. Love you <3'

Not soon after I got his response and it made me smile.

'Make it next week I have band practice this week and Sunday, but I can't wait. Love you more Jay'

I tucked my phone away and closed my locker door. I practically skipped to class, but I didn't just in my head so no one would think I'm freakier than I already am. I sat at my desk and placed all my books down.



The noise ran through the class and my teacher stopped in mid sentence to glare at everyone.

"Okay, who's phone was that?" he asked sternly. His beady eyes flicking to everyone.

I raised my hand slowly and all eyes turned on me. "It's mine. Sorry sir forgot to turn it off" I apologized.

"Since it's your first time I won't take it away, but next time it's gone" he warned me and turned back to the board.

I checked my iPhone and it was a text from Zayne. I think my heart just stopped beating. Ever since I met him we had hit it off right away and I've never been happier. He's smart, hot, cool and he likes the same music as me, but a little different. Every lunch I would see him and wave and he would give me his adorable grin. I sighed and smiled. Back to reality I read his text.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now