Chapter 8 (Picture of Hailey)

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A picture if Hailey to the right :)

Chapter 8


So am I "in" or am I "out"

What is there to think about?

What is that paintbrush for?

Are you preparing to draw me?

No wait, please don't!

I am scared of what I'll see

I'm not a perfect picture portrait,

But I am working on it

I've been thinking about being cool,

I must have to admit


Things That Rhyme With Orange

By: I Set My Friends On Fire

"Jade, get up!" my mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned loudly and pulled my pillow over my face. I was slowly about to fall asleep when my mom barged through my closed door and threw open my blinds.

She then yanked my pillow off my face and waited for my reaction. The sun was right in my eyes and I was momentarily blinded once I opened them.

"What do you want?" I groaned turning over to avoid the sun.

"I want you to get up since it's 10:30" she answered cheerfully.

"Thats to early and you know I hate it when you're overly happy in the morning" I mumbled still half asleep.

Instead of answering me she pulled my sheet and comforter off my bed. "Up" she ordered.

I mumbled furiously into my pillow and then propped myself up on my elbows. My mom was sitting at the end of my bed in a pair of jeans and a simple purple top. She smiled as I glared at her and got up to leave.

We would do this almost every morning and I would go downstairs grumbling angrily. Then eat and watch tv with my mom.

This morning wasn't any different and went by as usual. We didn't do much today and especially since I'm grounded I didn't want to push it by asking if I could go out with my friends.

My dad had to go to the hospital for an emergency, the usual. He was always busy, but he made time even though for the past few years we barely did much. It was late afternoon and my mom and I were starting to prepare supper.

I was cutting up some onions for the pasta sauce as my mom started boiling some water.

"So tell me what's new Carter?" she asked smiling. I rolled my eyes and bumped her slightly.

"The usual totally in love with Hailey, but something interesting did happen at the concert" I answered.

That caught her attention and she started asking me a million questions. I laughed a bit and told her everything in more detail than when I explained it to Hailey.

"If you want my honest opinion I think whatever Carter did could go anyway" she said after I finished.

"I know, but I'm positive he sees me as just a friend" I added. Then I told her all about Sean.

"I think Sean is just as confused as you are about his feelings for you" she told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.

"You guys have been childhood friends and you obviously love eachother, but now you don't see eachother often and you both changed recently. So maybe he's starting to see you as more and he's just trying to figure it out" she explained.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now