Chapter 10 (Picture of Sean)

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Picture of Sean to you right :D I think he looks really hot hehehe ;] well so is Carter. Anyways I'm wondering if you are team Carter or Team Sean because I'm still not sure who Jade should end up with...

Chapter 10


Are you ready to take a chance

And risk it all?

It's do or die, fight or flight

Do you want to feel alive?

So would you play a game

Of Russian Roulette to save your life?

Are you in? Are you in?

Or would you flee to safety

And wonder what could have been?


Caves by: Chiodos

I was sprawled across my double bed smiling like a complete idiot. I was replaying this afternoon with Carter and I couldn't stop feeling those butterflies in my stomach. I kept think how close we were and his eyes. I shivered.

It was already 10 at night and I had just finished all my homework half an hour ago. I sighed happily. I can't wait for sunday I thought and turned over to sleep. Minutes later I was gone.

My alarm went off and Bring Me The Horzion started to play and Oli Sykes screams filled my room. I finally found a more pleasent way if waking up in the morning. I got up and rubbed my eyes sleepily.

I walked out and made my way to the washroom to take my shower. Once I was done I lazily walked back to my room and bobbing my head to A Day To Remember. I got dressed in a pair of white ripped skinny jeans and a black v-neck. I turned off my music. I had my breakfast and finished getting ready.

I called goodbye to my mom and left. My morning went the same as usual. I got a ride from Maggie and I told her about everything that happened yesterday.

"Holy shit! It's as if he really likes you" she said her mouth gapping slightly. "He doesn't like me. He's crazy about Hailey" I told her frowning.

"Yes, but he sounds crazy about you too and it's not like he has a lot in common with Hail. No offence to her" she responded rolling her eyes.

I didn't say much after that and we arrived at school. I went through the day like any other and it went by pretty fast. I caught Carter looking at me at lunch and I smiled at him, but he had already looked away.

The rest of the week went by the same and I rarely saw Carter and even at lunch he seemed to be busy, but soon enough it was Saturday. My cell rang and I jumped across my bed to reach my bag for it so my parents wouldn't hear it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Jay" said a familiar hot voice. I smiled widely and answered him.

"Hey Sean. What's up?" I asked.

"Just listening to music and I thought of you" he answered, but I could practically hear him smiling through the phone.

"What's going on? I know you have some sort if plan. I can hear it in your voice" I warned teasingly. I listened to his laugh and I smiled.

"I can never hide anything from you. I got three amazing tickets to Asking Alexandria, Of Mice & Men, Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, Chiodos and A Skylit Drive. I don't know a third person who would want to come so if you know anyone, ask" he told me.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now