Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Oh here where we lie, outstretched to wonder why we don't belong.

You deserve much more, and I'll give until I'm all gone.

Forever know your face and ever take your place here by my side,

Like a ghost into night,

The poisoned apple to my bite.

I'll be the shadow at your door,

I'll be the moth into your light,

Cause you deserve much more.

Yeah, you deserve much more.


Let Love Bleed Red-

Sleeping With Sirens


I stared at both the guys that I loved. I wasn't sure if I loved them both the same way, but they both meant a lot to me and now I had to make a decision. I looked from Sean and Carter. They both looked at me expectantly and I wasn't sure what to say. I knew Sean wanted me to tell Carter to get lost because he thinks that's what's best for me. Then Carter wants me to give him another chance. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. I had made my decision.

"Carter, you obviously still like Hailey and I can't be with you if that's how you feel. So please just leave" I told him and I watched his face fall. He never cared about me anyway because if he did he wouldn't have believed Hail.

"Jade, let me explain" he begged.

"No. Just...please, leave Carter" I responded and turned away. I gave him one last look and walked off.

This is for the best. This is for the best. I thought to myself and to prevent me from turning around again. Finally, I made it to the kitchen. Maggie turned towards me and smiled, but stopped and quickly hugged me. Oddly enough I didn't cry and I'm guessing it's because I'm all cried out. Carter didn't deserve my tears anymore.

"Jade! Jade!" Maggie called. "Wake up!"

My eyes flew open and I screamed in surprise. I rubbed my eyes and I realized I was sleeping on the bean bag in the gameroom.

"What's up Mag?" I asked sleepily.

"Supper is ready" she told me smiling.

"What? How is that possible?" I asked.

"You fell asleep after Phineas and Ferb so the guys and I were helping Lucy" she told me.

"So Carter never confessed he liked me?and I never told him to leave?" I demanded.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but sounds like a complicated dream" she told me amused. "Tell me everything later". My eyes bugged out of my head and I was freaking out inside. That was all a dream?!

"Are you sure nothing happened?" I asked again.

"Positive Jade. Now come on" she answered and dragged me to the kitchen. I helped bring the food into the dinning room and we all sat down. We were having Lucys famous roast beef which is amazing.

"Sleep well Jay?" Sean asked teasingly and winked at me. I just stared intently on my food and thought back to the dream. Maybe it was telling me something and I should chose Sean.

"Jay?" he asked frowning.

"Sorry, I zoned out" I responded apologetically.

We continued to talk or at least everyone did, but me and when we were done Carter left. He thanked us and gave me a look, but I had turned away. I bit the inside of my cheek and I sat down in the game room.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now