Chapter 2

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Link to the song on the side :)

 Chapter 2


So here's my song I wrote in time, 

When it was needed 

Through pain of heart or loss of mind, 

Your burden's lifted 

You aren't alone just know that I, 

Can't save our hearts tonight

You're not alone 

We'll brave this storm 

And face today  

You're not alone 


Carolyn- Black Veil Brides

I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, but most of all I wanted to get away. No matter how many times I fought with my dad, no matter how many times I shouted at him, he won't just admit he's wrong.

Ever since I was 14 every now and then we would have this conversation. Ever since I was 14 after every fight I felt like breaking down in tears, but I've grown up and I've learned how to control my tears.

Eventually I will break down though. I pushed that last thought out of my mind and I got to work. I grabbed my cell and I texted Maggie.

Jade: Heyy I'm going 2 b 30 min late my dad and I had a talk and I feel like punching a wall. We will still make it in time. c u soon

I opened my closet and took my Black Veil Bride's shirt out. I took out my black skinny jeans. I pulled out my red and black stripped fingerless gloves and I quickly found my red high top converse among my pile of converse. I got dressed and then I took out my makeup bag.

I put on black eyeliner, but more than usual. It ended up looking almost cat-like. I swiped some mascara on and then I put some clear lip gloss.

I re painted my nails black and my left pinky red and I placed my snakebites back in. I slipped on all my bracelets and I took my black purse with my Black Veil Bride concert tickets and money.

I smiled this was perfect because my dad will think I'm doing this to piss him off. Which I am, but it also means I don't have to get ready at Maggies. I look at myself one more time in the mirror and I left.

As I was walking down the stairs I heard my dad and mom talking. I strained my head a little closer to hear them.

"Jake, you need to ... Stop pushing your daughter away" my mom said pleadingly.

"This isn't my fault. You honestly can't support the music she listens to. It's only going to mess her up" he replied coldly.

I took in a sharp breath and I clenched my fists. "You have to support her choices. She's a teenager and this is when she needs us. Let her be who she wants to be" she said quietly.

"Nora, I can't, not when she wants to be like that" he said.

I had enough. "I never asked you when I was younger, but now I'm sick and tired of this constant bullshit. Why are so against who I am dad?!" I yelled.

They both jumped when they heard my voice, but my dad quickly composed himself. "Calm down Jade" he said simply.

"Thats it I can't take it! I hate you! I'm staying at Maggies tonight. I'm done" I shouted.

Without giving them a chance to say anything I stormed out and slammed the front door closed.

I ran down my street and I slowed down after a bit. I ran my hands through my hair and I thought of what I said.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now