Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


Through my eyes,

I've seen nothing, but time,

Forty four thousand lies,

Straight from your putrid mind

High tides drag you through the decades of nights, at anguish cause you'll never know why

Why loved ones who turn out your lights, Seem like they care


For The Likes Of You By: Woe, Is Me

I was laying in bed tossing and turning. I couldn't believe Hailey actually broke up with Carter and tomorrow I'm going to be going out for ice cream with him. I was so glad when my mom picked me up she didn't embarasse me when the guys got in too.

Then again I did tell him I thought he was amazing and I don't even remember his expression. He might have thought I was crazy and stupid. I let out a sigh of defeat and rolled over once again. I'll have to wait and see tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up to Abandon All Ships and even though I really liked the song that was playing I was not in a good mood. I spent a good portion of the night worrying and I was exhausted.

"Jade! Wake up!" I heard my mom yell from outside my door and knocked loudly to make sure the message got through.

I groaned and literally rolled out of bed. I hit the cold floor and that woke me up pretty good. I took a fast shower and I got dressed in a pair of stone washed ripped skinny jeans. Then I wore a tight black v-neck with my pink high top converse. I was still really late because I stayed in bed to long.

So I ran downstairs and wolfed down my breakfast. Then I finished getting ready in the washroom and bolted outside. I saw Maggie was already waiting so I quickly climbed in.

"So, what happened after we left yesterday?" she asked right away.

"I traded a ride home for ice cream with Carter tonight" I said and I couldn't help grinning.

"No way! That's great" she told me smiling and looking genuinely happy for me.

"How's Hail?" I asked cautiously.

She rolled her eyes and said "Not good. She's upset with you and Carter, but mostly about Carter. She even called John last night to ask him to meet her at the park near her house, but that's the most I know".

"Are you saying she hooked up with John just because she was angry about Carter?" I asked in disbelief.

"Exactly what I'm saying or at least thinking" she said frowning.

We were silent the rest of the way to school, but I knew we were both surprised with Hailey. When we got to school I got out and said goodbye right away. I needed to go hand in a late geography assignement and walked quickly to the class.

As I rounded the corner I nearly smacked into someone, but I moved out of the way just in time. I was about to apologize when I realized it was Leila and my mouth shut pretty fast.

"Watch where you're going stupid. Just because you want to die doesn't mean you need to be hazardous to everyone around you" She snapped.

"You're the one who nearly bumped into me airhead" I spat as I glared at her.

"Whatever, emo loser. By the way now that Hailey has finally dropped you and her depressive boyfriend you can finally be at the bottom of the social ladder where you belong" she responded and knocked my books out of my hands as she walked by.

Typical Love Story, Not Your Typical Teen ///****On Hold****\\\Where stories live. Discover now