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Taylor Swift as Amy :) And warning of filler chapter... Just hold on nxt chapter will be the entry of... Well you know who ;)


"Oh em gee!! Gabby, I think I'm going to faint. Oh god! Someone hold me!" Amy squealed in my ear as she fanned herself with her hand.Ok, let me brief you on what happened after I comforted Nikki. I spent one hour in the shower to get rid of the dirty, sticky feeling in my hair. After receiving 5 missed calls from Amy, I walked to the school basketball ground. 

I would've usually hitched a ride from Tyler, but due to the ice cream crisis, I was too late. My life was so pathetic that I had to come to school on a Saturday. Well, there I met Amy who immediately gave me a hug and then started sniffing my hair. After complimenting me on the good smell of my vanilla hair conditioner, she pulled me to the bleachers to watch the game.

Coach never usually keeps practices on Saturday, but the team had to prepare for the upcoming game against our biggest rivals, 'The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles', in short TMNT. I mean, what kind of a name is that? But don't go by the name. They have some mean players.However, our team was no less. This year, with Tyler as their captain, they were planning to beat the shit out of TMNT. Our team was called 'Space Monkey Mafia'. Don't. Say. A. Word.

Well, needless to say, we were the top teams in the state and our matches were considered the most exciting high school matches ever. Tyler has been playing basketball since his freshmen year. Last year was a draw and neither of the teams took it very well. Let's just say they aren't the best sportsmen you could find. This year, however, both teams are determined to win and they are trying like crazy to achieve that.

Well, getting back to the matter at hand... Amy's latest obsession, Ashton, had scored a basket and then looked towards her with a small smile. 

Amy being who she is, she almost stopped breathing .

Oh. my. god. This is not how I thought my best friend was going to die. I mean, I know CPR and all that, but as much as I love her, I am not giving her CPR. That is too gross. I swear, if anything happens to her, I'm going to kill Ashton for giving my BFF a heart attack. 

"Breathe Amy. Breathe", I tried telling her, but she was just staring ahead. Ashton finally looked away and Amy let out a deep breath. Thank goodness I don't have to give her CPR.."Oh em gee..."The squealing started again. 

Oh god! My poor ears. I did not become friends with this girl to lose my hearing. I wasn't sure whether she was done because I continued to hear a "beeeeep" sound in my ear. I tried shaking my head and then put my pinky inside to try and get rid of the sound. Once it was finally gone I thanked god that my ears were still alright after which I glared at Amy.

 If looks could kill she would be 6 feet under by now. But she didn't really seem to notice.

"Hey, Amy. Wassup?" a voice said from behind me. I turned to see the cause of my loss of hearing standing behind me, Ashton Woods. He was pretty good looking with a height of six foot one. He had a fair complexion and curly brown hair. 

Hmm... for the first time, Amy actually chose someone whom even I think is good looking, and that's saying something. Tyler was one of the most good looking guys in the school and his friends were needless to say popular jocks so I was used to seeing many good looking guys my whole life. Thus, I got pretty much used to them, and immune to good looks.

"H-h-hi Aa-a-sh..."Stupid, stupid girl. Why does she have to stutter all the time? Amy has always had insecurities her whole life. She is a very pretty girl. She is one of the best artists I have ever seen. She can look beautiful if she wants to. But she hides behind her huge pile of books and nerdy glasses. 

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