CHAPTER 11: I have no boyfriend. I kid u not!!

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So... long time no update. I was really upset about the votes I got the previous chapter. that was like the lowest I've ever got so, yeah I was pretty bummed out cause of that. So excuse me if this chapter isn't too humorous coz I'm not exactly in a great mood. That being said, I might not be able to update for a pretty long time, maybe march, if I'm not lucky cause I have my exams coming up... again. So enjoy.
I was waiting with shaking hands for the school bell to ring. I definitely did not want to go home, but it was inevitable. Amy had to go to her painting studio and Vikki had some family work to do. I really didn't want to face Tyler either. Dad must have told him about the boyfriend thing by now, so I had asked Amy to drop me at home.

'Trinnnnnng', the bell rang. That's it Gabby, no more saves, a crazy family awaits you. I let out a shaky breath before slinging my bag over my shoulders and walking out. I was walking as slowly as possible until Amy exasperatedly pulled me to her car. The ride home was quiet and Amy occasionally game me sideward glances to see if I was okay. She finally parked outside my house and looked at me before pulling me in for a hug.

"Don't worry Gummy Bear, I'll see you tomorrow, hopefully" she mumbled into my hair. She then pushed me out before driving away.

As I walked into my house, I felt like those stupid girls who walk into a room even after they hear scary noises from there, in a ghost movie. Even though I know something terrible might happen, I have no choice but to face it.

I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open it, deep down wishing nobody will.

The door opened revealing a chirpy mom who immediately hugged me.
"I am so happy for you baby girl, you finally got a boyfriend. I was thinking we weren't gonna take cute pictures and gift it to you on your anniversaries after marraige. My little girl is so grown up."

"Oh, we're not taking any pictures any time soon except maybe making posters with him with a black eye, as a warning to other guys out there." my dad's voice piped in.

I seriously worry about the poor guy who will have to face my family's wrath some day.

Wait a minute, who in their right mind would even stay once they meet these people.
Great, just great. 20 years from now, all my friends are going to be happily married and I am going to visit their baby shower introducing a cactus as my husband. I can just feel it in my veins.

"I am disappointed in you young lady" Tyler decided to voice out his opinion as he wagged his finger in front of my face.

"Don't scare her honey" my mom said in a strict voice.

"You cannot be supporting this thing" dad replied with a groan.

"Exactly mom! Act you age!" Tyler huffed out.

Is it too much to ask to just let me in. We were frickin arguing at the door!!

"Tyler!! No video games for a month! "

"You broke our trust young lady! You're grounded!" my dad declared with a finality in his voice.

Come on people! I just got a boyfriend, I didn't do drugs or anything.

Wait a minute... Boyfriend!? Oh yeah, the nonexistent one whom I accidentally created, and of all people I told my dad. Good work Gabby.

Is there any degree on how to mess up, because I seem to be able to do that without even trying. I can pass with flying colours.

Shawn took this moment to come out with his baseball bat and helmet complete with the protective equipment , "Don't worry guys, I can take on him anyday, just give me the address." he said in a determined tone.

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