CHAPTER 8: I Have no potential in the world as an elder sister

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Conner my love;-) pic on the side

Conner looked between me and his father and tears sprang out from his eyes before he turned around and ran up the stairs. Uncle tried running after him when Tyler stood in his way.

"Just leave. You've caused enough damage here. You should have tried talking seven years ago, when you had the chance. Now he doesn't want to talk to you. So please just leave." Tyler said looking at the floor. However annoying my brothers can be, me and Tyler are very protective of them. I knew that Tyler respected him just as much as I did, but.... nobody, I repeat nobody makes our brother cry and gets away with it.

"Tyler.." my uncle breathed out exhausted "At least give me a chance" he pleaded with a sigh.

"This wouldn't be the first time." Tyler said looking up into his eyes

Uncle Rory gave another defeated sigh before hanging his head low and walking outside. I really felt like crying right then. Before I could stop myself, words started flowing out of my mouth "wait!" I shouted. He turned his head around expectantly. Tyler gave me a glare which meant 'gabby, don't. Just, don't.' But of course I acted like I didn't notice it.

"Come on Ty, he's come home after so many years, you can't just send him out like that" I said rolling my eyes.

Tyler placed a hand on his chin as if considering it "Actually I can, and I will" he said in an icy tone.

"it's ok Gabby. I'll come some other day" my uncle said looking cautiously at Tyler. Tyler let out a growl of frustration as he silently went outside. He then paced around the kitchen while running his hand through his hair before stopping and closing his eyes and facing the ceiling.

"Are you planning on standing there the whole day with your arms crossed, trying to burn my skull with your eyes?" he said in one breath. I raised my eyebrow, actually eyebrows, since I didn't know how to raise ONE eyebrow. "you are clearly never going to learn how to do that are you?" he asked with his eyes still closed. Huh? What the hell? How did he know that. "I can read you like a book with closed eyes. No need to be so surprised." He said with the same calm tone. I could feel my eye twitch due to the irritating nature of his talent. Am I that transparent? "Yes you are" Did I say that out loud? "Not really, I am just a great mind reader" Seriously, he was gifted with attitude, talent and athletic abilities with a whole lot of sass. How could I be his sister when all I had was a whole lot of baby fat? Talk about being partial. I let out a large breath trying to calm my nerves

"Fine no need to rub your talent in my face." I said through gritted teeth. "I'll go see Connor and you can find Shawn." Tyler finally opened his eyes and looked back down before nodding in approval as he went outside.

I went up to his room and knocked the door. "Hey bud you in there?" I asked softly. Well ok not really, I didn't knock, I just banged the door open. Screw manners, nobody likes them anyway. Conner was lying on his bed on his stomach, with his head buried in his pillow. Ok I'm inside now, so... now what? Ok Gabby, you have to awake the inner elder sister in you, I'm sure she's in there somewhere. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, trying to meditate. Ok Gabby put aside all those pranks he played on you, forget the fact that he got you humiliated in school, forget that he put ice cream on you, forget that... ok seriously!? How is this in any way supposed to help me? I let out a groan of frustration which caused Conner to look up at me.

"Go away Gabby, I don't want to see you.' He groaned into his pillow. How am I supposed to make him stop crying? Tell him a joke? No? Ok then, how? I really didn't know

"Boys don't cry" my stupid mouth blurted out. Ok really Gabby? That's like the only thing you can think about. You have no potential in the world as an elder sister. What kind of stereotypical statement is that? That is just rude and judgemental.

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