CHAPTER 4: I think I just murdered a murderer

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Ethan's pic cutie :-)

"If it's any assurance I wouldn't have actually killed you" I said with a guilty smile.

"Yeah sure that makes me feel so much better" he said with a sour tone

Any problem understanding what the hell is going on? Let's rewind a bit shall we? So where did I stop oh yeah..

------------------x FLASH BACK x----------------------

All my breath was knocked out of me during the fall. The pen flew out of my hand. God he was heavy. He finally rolled over to the ground and stood up, while I sat there like an idiot. Ok may be I was waiting for him to lend me his hand or something. Whoever said chivalry is dead is right. I slowly got up myself and dusted the jeans.

"Sorry" I said with a hoarse voice.

"Who the hell shouts like that for no reason" he asked with his back turned towards me. he has such a toned back, I can see it even in the darkness. oh god! Why is he covering it with a shirt? Yeah he's right, I shouldn't have shouted for.... Hold on, am I forgetting something? Wait a minute. This was my house and I had every right to do what I wanted. But he wasn't... oh my god I remember.

"THERE'S A THIEF IN THE.." I started to shout when the boy suddenly turned around so fast that I was surprised he didn't get a whiplash. He took one stride towards me and clamped his hand over my mouth. Why did Tyler have to be so noisy? Could he even hear the loud commotion going on here?

"Are you bloody retarded? Shut up if you care about your life." Oh holy mother of sweet potatoes, so he was a murderer. I couldn't see his face very clearly yet, but I could definitely tell he was beyond pissed. Oh god I can't die so young. I was yet to go to college, fall in love, marry, have kids. My dreams of naming my children and grandchildren are gone. I was yet to even meet Zayn Malik. I did not deserve to die so young. God if you save me, I will.. I will.. wait I already pray every day, I treat animals well and I do my fair share of community service at times. Oh God, you already owe me big time. Ugh think Gabby, think stupid girl. I should have held on to the pen tighter. If only I could somehow get to it. But how? Ok if you were with a dangerous murderer who is right now closing your mouth, what would you do? You might most probably bite them. But you should have got the drift that I am definitely not like most people, so what do you think I did? I kneed him where the sun never shines.

"OWWW" he said as he doubled over in pain. I took this opportunity to dash out of the room and call for help. Nah kidding again. Wait you must have forgotten that that again is what a normal person would have done. And I am far from normal, so I dashed towards where the light switch was so that I could see the face of the kidnapper? No. I dashed towards where the pen had initially flown and grabbed it in my hand. He was just about to get up when I started continuously poking him with my pen.

"You deserve to die, you stupid thief, you idiotic murderer, you good for nothing brat! DIE! DIE! DIE!" I screamed at the top of my voice.

"Hey! Ouch, ouch ouch. Stop. Ouch. It" he yelled

"hey? What's going on in here?" A voice I recognized as Tyler asked from the door. Wow my knight in shining armour decides to show up. But it's too late I am no longer the damsel in distress. I was going to be famous for handing in a vicious murderer on the loose to their rightful place in jail.

"Hah! take that looser" I said poking him on the hand. After that he suddenly became immobile. Huh? did I kill him? Oh god I just murdered a murderer! The lights suddenly flickered on. I turned around to see Tyler with a lamp in his hand. Behind him was Amy with a big frying pan. Vikki was next to her holding a knife. They were standing there with their mouth hanging open. Tyler's friends were behind them holding many various objects like a cricket ball, a tennis racket, our water guns, a guitar, the tv remote and... is that guy holding a pillow? Are we going to freaking play a pillow fight here? Good lord, at least I was better than them.

"What the hell did you do to my friend?" Tyler screamed, breaking the silence. His friend? He wasn't a murderer? Meaning I killed an innocent person? Oh god Gabby, what have you done?

"Did you kill him?" Vikki asked

"Oh poor guy. He's too cute to die" Amy squealed. Huh? I hesitantly turned around to see the face of the murder- sorry innocent guy. When I finally turned around completely and saw his face, I got a mini heart attack. My breath hitched in my throat as I looked at him. My jaw hit the floor I think my warranty for the immunity from good looks just expired or something. Wait I know him, the familiar brown tousled hair, with the well built jaw line and broad shoulders. If only his voice hadn't become so deep, I would have recognised him immediately. Amy was lying when she said he was cute, he wasn't, he was gorgeous, amazing and handsome. He used to be our neighbour and the only friend me and Tyler had as kids. I admit I had a slight crush on him back then. He used to play with us everyday. We bonded over our love for chocolates. Before meeting Amy in middle school, This guy a.k.a Ethan Hughes, was my best friend. I just killed my childhood best friend/ crush? I deserve to die. Someone kill meeee... I could suddenly feel myself being lifted from the floor as Ethan whom I thought to be dead suddenly got up, letting me fall to the floor on my butt as I had almost been sitting on him.

"Ouch" I said as Ethan went and hid behind Tyler. Oh thank god he's alive

"Stay away from me, you crazy female" he said looking at me with a half scared look. I would have laughed had I not been on the floor. I got up for the second time today and dusted my Jeans.

"Can someone please explain what the heck was going on here?" Tyler asked

"He threatened to kill me" 'she almost killed me.' we shouted together.

"It was your fault. You were the one who closed my mouth first" I defended myself

"What? So your fair way of revenge is to kick me in my private parts and then repeatedly jam a pen into me? Wow your judgement skills are so justifiable aren't they? You could have really killed me. " he snapped

Ok may be this time I had gone a little over board... ok a lot. But what would you do in my position? Wait don't answer that. Just don't.

"If it's any assurance I wouldn't have actually killed you" I said with a guilty smile.

"Yeah, sure. That makes me feel so much better" he said with a sour tone, with sarcasm dripping from every word

Wow! What an utterly blissful reunion.


Ah well, but in life really what is?


An: so another update. Hope you're enjoying






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