CHAPTER 5: Monday morning Greens

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     "Trinnnnngg" my alarm rang for the third time. And I clicked snooze again. Don't worry, this is a regular process every Monday. I set the alarm one hour before school, but I keep clicking snooze until it's too annoying, and I then get up to glare at it, threatening it not to ring again until 10 minutes later, and then close my eyes.

     But the stupid immobile object doesn't get the clue and nevertheless rings again in 30 seconds, after which I go into a mad frenzy and jerk my bed sheets off of me. I groan in frustration before getting up and glaring at the stupid clock intensely and having a stare off with it, challenging it to continue ringing.

     The lifeless object however gladly accepts the challenge and continues ringing. After a five minute intense staring competition, I become crazy and start cursing at the insensitive thing to stop it's ringing, after which I slam my hand on the dismiss button to show it who the real boss is. That should teach it a good lesson. 

     I then smirk in victory until I realise I have only 20 minutes to get ready for school. Unfortunately this is not the only realisation. I also realise I have a calculus test for which I totally did not prepare for. And how could someone get up on a Monday and not realise they had a history essay too? Yay life! If you think my worries end here you are mistaken. I smell the delicious smell of bacon and realise I have no time for breakfast either, so my brothers just end up getting a bigger share. And MY dad thinks the colour of my nail polish is the ONLY thing I have to worry about.

     Yeah. Completely normal Monday morning in any teenager's life? Right? No? Okay. Completely normal Monday morning in MY life.

     For some reason, my face felt really sticky today but I didn't have time to wash it

     I quickly change into my jeans and T-shirt. Yeah, I didn't have a bath. Deal with it. After spraying some deodorant, I quickly run downstairs, flipping through the pages of my calculus textbook just wondering when I'm actually going to even use this bull shit. I'm going down the steps when I slip and almost fall, which causes a mini heart attack, but I quickly steady myself. No big deal, I have millions of moments in a day like that, when I think I am going to die, but I recover quickly. However, my book falls down the stairs. I again glare at it as if willing it to come back, but it doesn't budge. I groan and go pick it up. I swear, once the year gets over I am going to tear this book to shreds and flush it down the toilet, symbolically flushing it out of my life.

     I quickly run into the kitchen and see the delicious goodness gone. I sigh and run to the fridge to take a granola bar. My dad hasn't seen me yet. "Morning dad" I said groggily

     "Good morning swee.." he started as he looked at me.

     "What?" i asked with a mouthful of granola bar

     "You didn't happen to shower? Did you?" he asked with narrowed eyes

     "I am already late" I replied

     "But sis, you should atleast.." Nikki started with a disgusted expression.

     "No I don't" I said without allowing her to finish. "Do you know anything about Alexander The Great," I asked her with a perplexed expression.

     "Gabby, honey, Tyler left without you." My mom called from the kitchen. I spat out the water I was drinking. Oh my god! How was I supposed to walk to school in five minutes, study calculus and complete a history essay, all with the energy provided by a stupid granola bar?! I was going to kill Tyler.

     "Shit!" I cursed getting up to run out of the house, not before I hear my father shouting "LANGUAGE!"

     I frantically look around for any other mode of transport, and then looked up at the skies, praying for a car to jump out of thin air. When I realised that my prayers were not going to be answered any time soon, I huffed in irritation and started to run, when a deep voice from behind me made me jump.

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