CHAPTER 21: I'm Surrounded By Geniuses, I tell you...

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An: Wattpad is being incredibly wierd!! To those of you who got the initial draft of this chapter, I'm so sorry! This is the real one. Ugh!! It's so frustrating coz that was a huge spoiler, which I worked hard on. I'm so.. I don't even haveMaam words. Pls refresh and read this one!!  


     It was another uneventful Saturday. The weather was killing me. The sun might literally burn me down at this rate. I was sitting on the bed cross-legged with my face propped up on my elbows. I blew my hair away as it fell on my mouth. This ladies and gentlemen is the way of saying that I am extremely bored and have nothing to do. I then fell back on my bed and gave out a sigh as I contemplated my life. My eyes narrowed down at the phone on my dressing table. I stretched out my arms but couldn't reach it. I huffed out in irritation. Whatever, I don't need it if I have to get up to get it. I tried making funny expressions as I looked up at the ceiling. My phone started ringing at that precise moment. I guess I have to get up now. Ugh!

     I turned on my stomach and pushed myself as I reached for the phone. I finally got it and I answered the call.

     "Hey, Gabby!" Parker's cheery voice greeted me. It was seriously contagious because I started smiling as well.

     "Hey, Park!" I chirped out. I rolled back so I was lying on my back again. "Wassup?"

     "Nothing much, I was just thinking about going bowling." scrambling was heard on the other side before he continued, "Wanna come?" he asked. I thought about the offer and realized I hadn't been bowling in a long time. It should be fun!

     "Sure... I'll meet you at the alley in half an hour?" I asked as I sat back up.

     "Fine with me. I'm bringing my sister. You could bring Conner and Shawn if you want to."  

     "No, they aren't home anyway. I'll just call Amy and Vikki. Oh, and Ashton too" I added

     "Cool, see ya there!" He said and I heard him getting up.

     "Bye!" I said before hanging up. I then called the rest of them to let them know. They all said okay. Ashton said that he didn't mind picking all of us up. I then pushed myself completely off the bed to get dressed.

     Once I was done, my phone buzzed, notifying me that I got a message. I picked up to see Ashton's message saying he'll be here in two minutes. I shrugged and pulled the phone off the charger before running down the stairs.

     I followed the usual routine by opening the fridge, looking for some chocolate to eat. I pulled out a Twix, tore the wrapper and nibbled on the cold treat. The bell rang when I finished eating it. I ran outside to open it but my mom beat me to it. She opened the door to find Ashton there.

     He was wearing a black loose fitting T- shirt and faded blue jeans. His eyes were covered with dark cooling glasses as he beamed at mom. One thing you have to know about mom is that she's a fangirl... so yeah...

     "Hey, Mrs. Jackson," he said with that charming smile of his. "How you doing?"

     My mom as expected just giggled and replied with "I'm good, come in"

     He adjusted his coolers before looking behind mom, to see me. He gave me a wave. I waved back.

     Staying with Ashton for so long, I had come to learn that he was naturally flirtatious and didn't even have to try. Charm was like instinct for him and his bubbly personality just made him all the more likable, to be honest. I was wrong in the beginning about him. He's just playful by nature. He couldn't hurt a fly.

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