CHAPTER 22: Oh Fudge Nuts!!

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An: Heya awesome, lovely, sweet, great, (*insert all nice adjectives you know*) people!! I know, I am the most unpunctual author ever. But you shouldn't kill me because, umm... well, I LOVE YOU! So I hope you like it.

PS. If anyone can suggest a name for this chapter, it'll be super helpful! Thnx :). And btw, I'm getting several complaints that many people are not getting the full cahpters so incase you don't see read everything until the signing off.... You know how I sign off.... pls refresh and try again. I don't know why it's hapenning tbh. Sorry for that .

One more thing, both Ethan and Parker were tied so I was wondering whether I should just introduce a new character.....?

Readers: ..........
Me: ......
Readers: ..........
Random Reader: *Sigh* Guys where the pitchforks at? Someone's wrecking our ships. It's time to kill!!
Me: Ok, Ok, no violence!... And um.. *Runs away* Oh and before I go, here's the next chapter for you peeps! Enjoy!


I had just twisted my ankle, in case you were wondering what happened. Well, to be completely honest, the hospital sure was a familiar place for me because of my very frequent fractures, sprains, twists etc, etc.

But, no matter how many times I came, nothing could prepare me for the horrible treatment. Don't get me wrong; the doctor was extremely friendly but he often twisted and pulled at my leg while cheerily talking to me, which was... I won't lie, insensitive as hell!

So as usual, he was just casually talking to me while slowly rotating my legs in all directions when suddenly, without warning, he gave a sudden pull to which I shrieked, but the pain hardly lasted a few seconds before I felt completely normal. He gave me a large, apologetic smile and I gave a small, weak one back in return.

Once I went home, I checked my messages to see several notifications from all sorts of different apps including facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Viber. It was from various people including my friends and relatives, who were most probably informed by my parents, asking about how I was. I answered them all, saying that I was fine. However, I was surprised when I saw no message from Parker. I should call him tomorrow....


The weekend rolled out peacefully, without much happening. I still hadn't heard from Parker, which was incredibly weird, knowing him. I did miss him. I couldn't lie about that. In the past few days, we had grown really close and it honestly felt odd not talking to him for so long.

My worries just increased when I couldn't find him in school either. It was okay for Monday but when he didn't come on Tuesday either, well how do I put this? I.... I lost it.

This uncanny disappearance of his led to many meetings and plans. Of course, you must be familiar with the members. Amy, Ashton, A very unwilling Vikki, and much to my reluctance Conner and Shawn too! Well, I don't think I need to even specify why they were joining us. You know kids, their stupid puppy dog eyes, their different means and of course their evil mind process. Justin was forced to join us too.

We were currently in our third meeting in our free period. Ashton wasn't in this class.... but ah well, he was here. Justin wasn't though.

"Guys!" Vikki whisper-yelled slamming the table and all three pairs of eyes turned towards her. "You all are stupid" she stated bluntly.

Of course, all of us were about to argue. I mean, Ashton and Amy had no right to argue, their plans were pretty darn hell stupid! But me?! Well, I am really smart if I do say so myself!

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