CHAPTER 20: Will I Become Spiderwoman?!

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An: *covers face with a pan* don't kill me! I'm so sorry. My trip got extended to 10th which is why the updating took so long.. I'm really sorry again to keep you waiting. I just realised there are way too many characters and I can't seem to fit everyone... I was wondering how you would you like it if Tyler and Amy were a pair...? Idk, Emily and Justin are just getting too tough to fit so... please comment. Just a 'yes/no' will do. I can change the previous chapter accordingly once I get a response. Thank you and now You can go on. Enjoy!! xD


The rest of the day went peacefully. It was around 7 PM when my mom told us that Mrs. Hughes and her family were coming for dinner. Ethan would be there too of course, so I'll have company. Yayyy!! 

Nooo.. I wonder what mood that bipolar hypnotist will be in today. Well, at least I could be sure that it's nothing I can't handle!

I was currently lounging on my sofa trying to rest my leg on top of it. I was failing..miserably! Suddenly a little leg came with a huge force successfully squashing my nose. 

"Oww," I said as I held my nose, rubbing it gingerly. I looked to my side, to see Shawn sleeping as he let out a contented snore. I narrowed my eyes looking at the little criminal. I held on to his ankle gently before pulling it with full force, pushing him off of the couch. He woke up with a start, just as his butt hit the floor. Tears blurred his vision. 

"Why did you do that?" he asked with trembling lips! Crap! What have I done?!

I quickly kneeled down next to him trying to correct the damage. "Shawn... Please don't tell mom!" I pleaded. He managed to give me a sceptical look. My mom obviously took this very second to enter the room... of course, she would. It's like destined to be that way!

"What's happening here?" she asked. I immediately hugged Shawn tightly as I secretly closed his mouth. He struggled but I was used to it.

"Brother- sister moment," I said with a tight-lipped smile as I waved it off with my hand.

"What... exactly are you doing?" my ever so curious mother asked.

"I'm teaching him wrestling!" I said in a fake enthusiastic voice "Yayy.." I trailed off.

"Aww, that is so sweet."  She cooed out. I mouthed 'I know' as I hugged him closer. "Now get it over with, I want you ready in five!" she snapped out before leaving the room. Isn't my mom the sweetest? I let go of Shawn slowly. He held on to his throat taking deep breaths. He then glared at me.

"Just not the day.." I grinned. He stood up and gave me a sweet smile.

"For you sis!" he yelled before running, screaming 'mom' as he did so. My mouth dropped open at how stupid I could get. I grumbled as I got up. The doorbell took this minute to ring.  

I instinctively went to open the door. On opening it I found a cheery Mrs. Hughes smiling at me.

"Gabby!! I haven't seen you in so long. How are you?" she cooed out as she enveloped me in a warm hug.

"I'm good, aunty!" I chirped out.

My mom then came out and they embraced each other. I looked towards the door to see a smiling Ethan and a jumpy Lilly who... wait a minute... Ethan? Smiling?! I did a double take and rubbed my eyes. He then strolled inside, towards me with his hands in his pockets and a small lopsided grin on his face.

"Cute," he said. My eyebrows shot up and my eyes widened. Did he just call ME cute?! What is he playing at this time?? Or maybe- "Not you, your pajamas." he commented as he opened the door to the living room. Wait, What?!

Whoa.. Wait, What?!! (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now