CHAPTER 14: Realizations

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An: Before you read, check out this awesome trailer by @bayleyy14. It's amazing. Thank you so much. and this chapter is dedicated to her. Stay gorgeous <3

I closed my eyes and jumped. Here goes nothing. I'm going to kill Conner, even if I have to do it as a ghost.

You might ask me what Conner had to do with all this. You should have already known that the worst moments of my life will definitely have something to do with him or Tyler, but I'll tell you anyway.

Remember that call I made? Can you guess to whom it was? Well, it was to Ethan... I know, why the hell will he help me right?

Absolutely right! He cut the call on my face as soon as he heard my voice. Rude much! Anyway, so who was the next person I knew who could possibly help me, Conner. His criminal mastermind had to be put to proper work, so that's how I found myself standing in front of his door, tapping my foot impatiently.

He opened the door with a groggy face. "What?!" he snapped when he saw me standing there with a nervous smile.

"How you doing little brother?" I asked with a nervous chuckle. He gave me a 'seriously?!' look before making a move to close his door on my face. I immediately put my foot in between so he couldn't shut it. You know like they show those detectives do in movies, before they barge in and show their I- cards? Except mine didn't go completely like that. All I can say is, television is fudging misleading. The door crushed my poor foot and I held my foot in pain before hopping around like a maniac saying "ow-ow" for each hop. Conner just regarded me with a bored expression, leaning against the hall.

"Am-y in trou-ble" I changed my wordings. As expected, it immediately caught Conner's attention.

"What? What happened?" He asked with a panicked expression. Yeah, that's right. I'm the only person he's least concerned about.

I finally recovered from my hopping fit and tested my leg on the floor as I explained to Conner. "She's stuck alone in a party and I have to go get her as soon  as possible but, I can't get out of here because of my curfew."

"A curfew is made to be broken sis. You came to the right person. You're in safe hands." Conner said in a business like tone. "Follow me"

He dug around my cupboard for some stupid reason as I called Amy to check on her. She was fortunately okay. Thank goodness for that!

A dress was suddenly thrown on my face. Huh? When did I buy that? "Wear it" Conner said

"Why?" I asked confused.

He gave me a look as if I was stupid for asking something obvious, before answering my question "That dress will make you look thinner and prettier" A smile crept on my face before he continued. "That way, nobody will know that it's you, because you're fat and ugly. Even if they see your face, they might think you're her look alike or something."

Umm. Excuse me?!

"Thank you Conner! Aren't you the sweetest!" I said with a tight lipped sarcastic smile.

"I know" he said smugly"Now go!" he said pushing me into the bathroom. The dress he gave me was kinda cute, it was blue with tight fitting black jeans. I came out in two minutes and I pulled out my pony tail.

"Now what?" I asked Conner, who pointed towards the window. I didn't get what he meant so I raised my eyebrows at him. He let out a sigh.

"You stand on the sill, and then you jump" he said slowly as if explaining to a child. My eyes bulged out of my sockets. Little criminal say whaaaat!?

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