CHAPTER 12: Lessons of my life

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An: Hey lovelies, just wanted to tell you you guys are the bestest(I know its not a word) readers I could ever have. The number of votes I'm getting for the previous chapter really motivates me to write. (That girl has the same expression I'm having now :-D) so please give yourselves a pat on your back for that and enjoy guys. Look at me getting all emotional and giving lectures...

Annoyed reader:*clears throat* You gonna bore us all day or what? *cough* drama queen

Ok whatever, fine here you go. Annoying.. but I love you anyway  ;-)


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Yesterday, after a lot of persuading, puppy dog eyes, phone checking and protests afterwards, I was able to convince my family that there was absolutely no boyfriend figure in my life. However, dad and Tyler decided that they have to protect their naive little baby from situations like this in the future. That ladies and gentlemen is how I ended up with a curfew.

 11 pm? Nah

Then 10? Hell no

Oh so 9:30 riiight? You definitely have a lot to learn about my parents.

My curfew was 4 frickin pm. And if I had to go anywhere after that I had to go with somebody else. If that's not embarrassing, then what is?!

Well that couldn't be all, right? Life was very generous in annoying me. My laptop is confiscated too. Yeah.. no fb, no twitter, no snapchat, and no wattpad!! Anybody wants to swap places with me. neither would I.

Amy was laughing like a maniac when I filled her in on what happened the previous day. I'm glad someone finds my life so amusing, but seriously!

"Hahaha so funny. Now stop laughing!" I snapped at her. She tried to stiffle her laughter, 'tried' being the keyword here. "Vikki, make her stop" I whined to my dear best friend.

"You've got to admit it is kinda funny " she replied shrugging her shoulders. Scratch what I said earlier, these two are definitely not my best friends. I have to find new ones soon!

We finally got to the front of the line and payed for lunch. Once we received it, we walked over to our usual table and plopped down. Suddenly I heard the sound of some one else putting their tray down on our table. I looked up to meet the dimpled smile of none other than Ashton Woods.

"Hey princess, missed me?" He asked in a cherry tone.

"Ugh! Stop calling me that" Vikki snapped at him.

"Where's the fun in that, princess?" He asked with a pout.

"Yeah, you're right. Punching your nose right now seems like a much more fun option!" she hissed at him.

"Aren't you a cutie!" he said making a move to ruffle her hair. 

"Don't. even. think. about it" she said swatting his hair midway.

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