CHAPTER 10: Mission Accomplished. Not

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I tightly held the book covering my face as I went down the stairs. I looked to my left and then to my right, the path was all clear. I quickly ducked when the sofa came in view when I saw dad, his back facing me. whoo that was close. I silently crawled towards the door. I adjusted my back pack and steadied myself. It's now or never Gabby. My phone vibrated in my hand. I opened it to see a message.

Amy: We're rite outside gummy bear.

Well.... You know how Amy goes big on missions right. This was one of those times. It started out in middle school, the code name thing, but I seriously don't know why she uses them for messaging when we're on a mission

Amy: Not to distract you or anything but... we're getting late for school....

Me: be right there.

 Ok Gabby. There is only four feet of gap separating you from naming this mission a victory, you can totally do this. I rubbed my sweaty palms against each other. I let out a puff of air and nodded my head slowly. I got up and launched myself on the door and successfully got out

I. Wish.

"Gabby!" Conner's voice called out.

I quickly squeezed myself in the small gap between the shoe rack and the wall. All I can say is.... ouch, do not try that at home. 

"Huh, where's Gabby?" My dad turned around, looking around himself.

"Well.. she's..." Conner started off but I stopped him by clasping my palms together, begging him not to give me away. 'say what I say' I mouthed to him.

He raised his eyebrow. Don't mistake that for confusion, he knows what I'm saying alright. He is after all a criminal mastermind. It was in reality a sign of him asking me what he will get in return. I acted like I was licking an ice cream. yeah that should do it.

"She's right behind..." Conner started off when I fell on my knees again and begged him to shut up. 

'You can have whatever you want' I mouthed to him. He smirked in victory. Oh cheeky little capitalist.

"Nowhere dad, I was just searching for her." He lied smoothly

'Get him away' I mouthed

"Mom's calling you by the way" he said

"Yeah I'll go" Dad muttered lazily

"Can you help me in my science project?"

"Whatever" he muttered again. Conner let out a sigh.

"I already started you know, the theme is fire. All you have to do is stand there with the fire extinguisher" Conner said with a smile on his face.

Dad spat out his coffee "What exactly did you do?!"

"Nothing much. I just burnt your shirt, mom's shoes and the curtains. Don't worry I switched off the fire alarm already. I set the cameras and put a steel spoon inside the microwave for a finale"  he said with a wide smile while my dad's face grew paler every second. "Oh I almost forgot"

"Now what?" my dad asked in a panicked tone

"Shawn was sleeping in the room where I set the curtains on fire." My dad raced up the stairs after that.

"You owe me sis. Don't forget" he said with a sly smirk.

"yeah. Yeah" I rolled my eyes. 

"CONNER REYNOLD JACKSON!" My dad's voice hollered from upstairs. I flinched slightly while Conner looked unaffected

"That was a huge lie you know." I said as I put my back pack on properly.

"Who said anything about a lie" he asked with an evil smirk which made me shudder. he then strode towards the kitchen while I went outside. I shouldn't have put it past him.

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