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Monday isn't my cup of tea. Never was and never will be. I trudged down the staircase dreading the day.

When did my life become so complicated?!

I went out to collect the letters and brought them in with the newspaper and placed them on the table.

As I was walking with affectionate eyes towards my boyfriend... oh, sorry, I meant fridge to take out some milk, the bell rang.

Who could it be so early In the morning?

I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion before going to get it. I looked through the hole and smiled. I opened the door to reveal my aunt, Conner and Shawn's mom, smiling at me.

"Gabby, darling how are you?" She enquired pulling me into a warm hug as I smiled into her shoulders, hugging her back.

"I'm good aunty! How was Tokyo?" I asked as she released me and I went on to help her carry the luggage in.

"As good as it could get," she said as we walked to the living room. She sat on the sofa and I went up to tell all those sleepy heads about her arrival.

"Mom, dad, Ty, Conner,Shawn, Nikki!! Come on down! Aunt Grace is here" I shouted loudly and I could hear murmurs of 'coming' and 'be right there' from up the stairs.

I shrugged before going back to the living room. I froze in my place when I saw my aunt with a paled face, reading a letter. I could vividly make out my uncle's handwriting.

Oh god!

Tyler came stood beside me. "Hey-" he started out before stopping and looking at that letter.

My mom and dad came down next and looked at each other doing the weird telepathy thing with their eyes.

Tyler passed me a look which most probably meant 'do something'.

Um, what the hell can I do?!!

Conner and Shawn took this moment to enter. Conner looked confused at his mother's expression as she tried not to cry. Shawn was never much of the observant one. He headed straight to the fridge after muttering a hi.


Definitely my brother.

"Mom, what happened?" Conner asked as he took cautious steps towards her.

Did I ever mention that he we a total softie when it came to his mom?

Well, he is.

"I-it's.... it's j-just," she shut her eyes tightly as she clutched the letter.

Conner peeked into the letter she was holding and his eyes zoomed in on the name at the end.

He started breathing heavily as a glint of anger flashed in his eyes. Something I've never seen before in him. Something.... way past his years...

"Why is he writing to you?" Conner asked calmly his eyes still glinting. "Is he troubling you?" He asked his mother looking up at her.

She just shook her head and hid her face as reluctant tears leaked out.

"He's such an idiot!" She exclaimed before sobbing.

"Grace-" my father began but he was cut short.

"Who even writes letters anymore?!" Aunt said angrily.

Conner and Shawn looked confused and I slowly made my way towards her.

"I can't even believe Casey is no more..." she mumbled softly.

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