CHAPTER 7: Oh. My. God

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An- so this chapter is dedicated to @spreadinherpes   @oompalompaa and @supriyaiyer  for being the most awesome people and voting for the story. Love you all. stay awesome. 

Merry Christmas guys and hope you enjoy


Once we reached home from the long and annoying ride, I jumped out and banged the car door making Tyler wince and then glare at me. I smirked triumphantly. Take that loser. *insert evil laugh*. Ethan chuckled as he got out of the car making Tyler glare at him too. Both of us burst out laughing. I almost forgot how good it felt to have Ethan as a friend. We always used to pair up against Tyler and we burst out laughing at the most random jokes which nobody saw the humor in. Tyler muttered something about kids these days and he went inside. Ethan slowly stopped laughing and returned to his normal stance and gave me an impassive look before going into his house. No bye? Okay I have to admit. That really hurt. What happened to us?

I definitely did not like this side of him. I like the jovial side of him better. I had to make it up to him somehow. But how? Ugh I'll have to think about it later. I sighed as I adjusted my back pack and walked into the house deep in thought. I suddenly realised how quiet it was as I walked in. "Hey mom. I'm home" I said as I dropped the bag on the chair. I didn't hear any reply. "Tyler! Dad?" I was again received by silence. I walked up the stairs and opened all our rooms to find them empty. "Nikki, you in there?" As expected I was greeted by silence. I suddenly heard Tyler scream. His scream was very easy to identify due to its undeniable girliness. I ran towards the kitchen where the sound came from to find it empty. "Not funny Tyler" I said in a stern voice trying to avoid any shaking. I was just about to pull out my phone when somebody pushed me on the floor. I tried screaming but my mouth was immediately tied by a cloth. He then pushed me into the storage closet. And said 'stay put'. What the actual fudge. Please tell me I did not just hear what I just heard. Please tell me that the criminal wasn't my dad. Oh holy mother of French fries, MY dad just tied me up and locked me in the storage closet. Seriously?! But why would he do that?

I jumped when I heard a voice right next to me. "mmhm". Oh my god It's Tyler. So he was locked in too. "Ah finally. That was stuffy. Gabby.. why do you still have the cloth around your mouth?" was he that dumb. Dad just tied the cloth around my mouth. "your hands are free aren't they?" he asked in an incredulous tone. So what? Big deal. How could I talk if my hands are free. "Gabby... You have to use your hand to untie the cloth." He said in a slowly, as if talking to a child. Oh so he was that smart. No Gabby actually you are that stupid. No I'm not. Ugh! Just remove the stupid cloth already. I listened to the voice in my head and untied the cloth from my mouth. Okay

"Any idea why dad locked us in?" I asked in a hoarse voice.

"Nope" he said popping the p

"have your phone?"


"any ideas at all?"


"Do you know how long we'll be here?"


"Can you be of any use"

He thought for a while as I held my breath. "Nope" he breathed out

"Ugh. Idiot" I muttered. "good for absolutely nothing idiot" I huffed in irritation.

Okay I knew my dad really well. He obviously had to have some weak point. Some Achilles' heel. Ah I got it. Of course, how could I forget.

I bursted into a series of wails. Tyler looked bewildered. This, ladies, is the weak point of most men in your family. They do not roll well with crying girls. Tyler really looked frightened and looked like he would rather be anywhere but here. I rolled my eyes which was a considerably tough task when you're wailing and pushed him against the wall next to the door. I stopped my wailing and whisper yelled "when dad comes in you push him down and we get out."

Tyler immediately looked relieved as well as a little worried and he gave me a thumbs up. I again busted into wails, louder than before. After a few seconds I heard the lock click as someone unlocked the door. "what happen.." the voice started off but couldn't finish because I let out a war cry and launched myself on him. The man fell to the floor and I paused to see my father's scared blue eyes looking at me and his dark brown hair in a mess.

I took in a sharp intake of breath as my eyes widened. Tyler who was behind me also looked at him with shocked eyes. You see he had everything my dad did, even the same voice but he wasn't my dad. "Uncle Rory?" I whispered still unable to take in the scene before me.

I hadn't seen him for seven long years. Not one phone call, not one message, not one clue of where he was. Since my family was always close knit he was like a second father to me. But he had left his wife and two kids all alone and didn't repent or even come back to see them for so many years. My mind was taken over by many overwhelming emotions and I didn't know whether to hug him or push him down a cliff. I really couldn't choose between feeling relieved or angry. But at the present moment it's neither. All I feel is shock and bewilderment. So many questions are erupting in my brain right now.

Where was he?

What was he doing?

Why did he leave?

But the most important was, why did he come back?

I was still in a shocked trance when a voice interrupted my thoughts. "what are you doing here?" Tyler asked in an icy cold voice.

"This is my home Tyler" he said in an almost exhausted tone.

"No. It WAS your home. It no longer is. You may leave" Tyler replied in a calm tone. Don't be fooled. In this house it is called the calm before the storm. Oh god. "Gabby can you please get up, he has other places to go to." That shook me out of my trance and I finally got up with my eyes still wide.

"wait" I blurted out. Tyler gave me a deadly glare and I gulped. But unfortunately there was no stopping me now. They say curiosity killed the cat, but it is soon going to be changed into curiosity killed Gabby. I wanted to ask him where he was, why he went, why he never contacted us, why he came back, but all that came out was "Why did you lock us in the storage closet?"

His eyes widened for a second before he sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "I wanted to talk to the boys alone. It's been seven years and today when your parents left for work, I saw Nikki go to a friend's house and the boys went to the park. So I thought I could wait and talk to them once they got back" I was about to interrupt when he read my mind, "The keys were under the mat. You might want to consider changing that." I nodded my head and he went on. "You and Tyler just came before them and I had no choice but to lock you in there."

I shook my head in disapproval. The men in my family could be such kids.

"You left them seven years ago with no care in the world. So I don't think you need to see them now" Tyler snapped

"but.." he started but was cut off by another voice


All of us turned around in slow motion towards the kitchen door. That's when it hit me. All shit is going to go down here, and I had no idea how to stop it.


An hello awesome people reading this book. How are all of you.

I wish all of you an advanced MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Here's my small gift to you. Hope you enjoyed it. So you know the drill





*blows kiss* love you loads

Byeeeeeeeeeeee :-)

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