CHAPTER 13: The potential last minutes of my life

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Vikki, Amy and I decided to go to the cafe near by, before I headed to the mental hospital, fondly known as my home.

Once we got there, I ordered my favorite choco lava cake. It doesn't mean you have to order only coffee in a cafe. I dipped my spoon into the delicious goodness before sitting down. Yummm!

"Princess!!" an excited voice called out. Vikki immediately groaned.

Ashton strolled inside and walked towards where  the three of us were sitting. He stopped next to Vikki whose head was buried in her hands probably contemplating on different ways to kill the guy. 

Ashton on the other hand looked unabashed "I knew we had a connection the second I lay eyes on you. But not so much that you follow me around now!" he said placing an hand on his chest. Ok. How could someone be this cheesy? "Anywayy.. I was wondering if you would like to come with me to the party tonight?"He asked in a casual voice

"Nope" came Vikki's curt reply. He looked shocked  for  second. I take it girls didn't usually say no to him.

"Haha! Don't be funny princess." he said cautiously. Self centered much?

 I snorted at his response. However Amy seemed to have very huge differences in opinion with me. She was just grinning widely from ear to ear.

"It wasn't a joke pretty boy!" Vikki snapped at him with an eyebrow raised skeptically.

"Did you just.." Ashton pointed to himself "call ME a pretty boy?!"he asked

"Everyone has the right to be stupid, but you abuse the privilege" Vikki said turning back to her coffee.

"Now you're definitely coming." he muttered to himself. "Amy, back me up ok?" he said, to which she nodded her head. Wait what the hell was..

"No baby, please don't do this to me! You just can't do this!" Ashton shouted suddenly for the whole cafe to hear. Vikki choked on the coffee in her mouth as he was screaming in her ear.

We had successfully attracted a large audience. Everyone was looking at the drama that Ashton AND Amy were creating. He might be a jerk but he was definitely a good actor. I'll give him that much. He was currently on his knees, with clasped hands and glistening eyes.  Amy was sobbing and pretending to make Vikki budge. Everybody were giving Vikki glares for dumping somebody so sincere. However it was nothing in comparison to  murderous glares Vikki was giving both of them. 

"I still remember the day I met you, all drunk and planning suicide.."


"I held you that day. I've never let go since then."


"And you cheated on me!" he sid in a high pitched voice pointing an accusing finger at her


Am I the only one who is finding this entire exchange hilarious? I couldn't help the little giggles that erupted from my mouth, which later changed into full fledged laughter.

"And that too after the night we-"

Vikki clamped her hand over his mouth. "Shut up!"

We must have looked like a bunch of lunatics to anybody who walked in that time. What with a guy trying to accuse his girl friend. A furious girlfriend, while one of her friends is sobbing hysterically and the other is laughing like crazy. I wouldn't blame someone for wanting to admit us in a mental hospital.

"Fine. I'll go" Vikki said through clenched teeth. "Stop the drama."

Ashton grinned widely while Amy clapped her hands with glee. "I promise I won't disappoint this time. We can do it..." Vikki slapped his head upside as Amy rubbed the tissue to her eyes.

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