Behind Their Backs

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"Kids! Wake up! It's the day of our last rehearsal. Better move those body up, or Doogi-PD might go angry again." S.Coups said in a serious tone as he go from room to room making noise.

Everyone groaned and woke up lazily, even Woozi who's a heavy sleeper could not even get more minutes sleep he wanted.

S.Coups have woken everyone up but except for one person sleeping in their room, Jeonghan.

As everyone, except Jeonghan, was busy getting up. S.Coups went back to their room and found a still sleeping angel.

He could not even try to wake this angel up as he wanted to look at his angelic face more.

He went near Jeonghan's bed and leaned near him. He studied his angelic feature and wondered why is he still beautiful even when he is sleeping.

A small groan was heard from Jeonghan as he is now half-awake.

Jeonghan opened his eyes and found S.Coups face near him telling him "Good Morning" with a sweet smile. He smiled back and cutely covered his face of shyness.

"Ah waee~ I want to see your face more." He reacted. He tilted his head and leaned closer and tried to look at that angelic face again.

"Andwae~~ my morning face is not that angelic." Jeonghan protested while still covering his face.

S.Coups had no choice and just went near Jeonghan's ear and whispered, "I love you, angel"

Jeonghan was quite surprised. He smiled together with a blushing face under the sheets.

"Me, too. I love you." he responded and finally removed the blanket out of his face.

S.Coups smiled and kissed Jeonghan's forehead.

"Hmm, get up now baby. We still have a lot of schedules to do today, sadly."He told Jeonghan while letting out a small sigh.

"Yeah, sure." he smiled and continued, "now, put those sad eyes away. Let's go for a positive day ahead." he cupped S.Coups faced and kissed him in the cheeks.

"Yeah, sure, let's go." He replied and pulled Jeonghan out of his bed.


Everyone went out at exactly 7:15AM, having just enough time to walk to their practice room three blocks away.


They walk in three, except for two pairs . The8, Dino and Jun; Hoshi, Seungkwan and DK; Vernon, Mingyu, and Wonwoo; Woozi and Joshua and following behind are the eldest, Jeonghan and S.coups.

Despite of their tiredness from yesterday's schedule the 3 beagles, Hoshi, DK and Seungkwan never lost the energy. They joked around making the others laugh away their tired-out feelings.

Seungkwan, now with his 'MC Boo' mode, gestured and went towards the other members 'interviewing' them about their busy schedules. The first three trios answered on how tiresome those days and still loved it because it was for their fans who continued to support them. While Woozi and Joshua answered the "intellectual way".

Seungkwan then went to Jeonghan and S.Coups who are laughing at the other's answers.

"Leader-nim, what can you say about our continuous busy schedules? any insights?"Seungkwan asked the same question again.

"Well, it is tiring but it is still fun. I never lose energy if it is for the fans who love us, and of course this is for all of us. Soon everything will be paid off so this is all worthwhile, am I right Ba-? Seungcheol said looking at Jeonghan almost calling him babe.

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