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Joshua received a morning call from his mother.

| Joshua, good morning dear. |

| Oh, Mom.. Good Morning. |

| Did I wake you up? |

| No, no, you didn't, mom. What's up? |

| Nothing, I just miss you, dear. I woke up from a good dream and you know what? It's about you going home after 3 years. |

Joshua had tears brimming in his eyes

| Oh..? R-really? Wow.. I-I miss you, too Mom. |

| When will you come home dear? Well, I know your work schedules but I was hoping you'd..|

| Mom? I'll come home soon.. soon. I missed you so much, Dad, too. If you only knew how much I've wanted to wake up every morning in my own room and smell your morning breakfast. |

| Alright dear, call often, you understand? I just can't stand missing you, what more if I won't even hear your voice? I love you, dear. I love you so much. |

| Mm, o-okay mom. I will. I love you, too. SO MUCH. Tell Dad that, too. |

*call ended*

Tears finally rolled. Joshua can't hold it in anymore. He missed his mom so much. His mom calls him twice a week but he was surprised by her morning call today that made it worse. He looked up trying to stop the tears.

"I miss you, mom. I'll come home soon." His voice slightly hoarse.

Joshua got down from his bed and went outside of the room. Closing the door behind him, he saw an empty living room. He walked towards it and sat down on the couch, his head down with his hands covering his face from the sorrow he is feeling early in the morning.

It has always been hard for him to go back to the U.S. due to his schedules even before his debut, much more these days when work is piling up.

Suddenly, a faint click was heard from a room.


Jeonghan, woke up early than he expected. He looked at his right side and saw a sleeping Coups which made him smile. He got out of his bed and sat on Coups' bed. He smiled then leaned down and kissed the leader good morning.

Jeonghan felt his limbs clicking so he thought of a morning jog. He decided to get a towel from his cabinet then go to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

He opened the room door, and slowly tiptoed to avoid making sounds. He carefully closed the door then faced the living area where he saw someone sitting on the couch.

It was Joshua, looking from his brown hair and side profile, with his head down and his hands on his face. He seemed to be in deep thoughts.


"Jisoo-ah? What's wrong?" Jeonghan bend down trying to look at the person closely.

Joshua looked up and saw Jeonghan with a face towel on his shoulder.

"Oh? Jeonghan-ah.. It's you.." Joshua looked surprised.

"What are you doing here in the living room, early in the morning?'

"A-ah, n-nothing, I-I just woke up early and just decided to-"

"Wait, is there something wrong? You seemed off."

Jeonghan sat down beside Joshua feeling worried. He put his hand on Joshua's back.

"What's wrong? You can tell me everything." Jeonghan put on a soft smile.

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