What if.

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Morning came for the two who are still hugging each other tightly. Jeonghan was the first to wake up. He brushed his hair to give a good look to the guy in front of him.

Long, thick lashes, ebony black hair, milky white skin and plump lips. These are just a few things to describe Coups' handsome face. Jeonghan smiled upon the sight.

What a great morning. He thought.

He held the other's cheek and caressed it.

"I missed you, a lot. More than you ever knew. My days and nights were all empty." Jeonghan whispered as he studied Coups' sleeping face.

Thank you for coming home safely. You worked hard. Jeonghan kissed his cheeks and then stuffed himself more under his lover's arms as he went back to sleep for a few minutes.


Coups' groaned as he is now awake. He mumbled morning greetings and kissed Jeonghan's hair. He smiled to himself and thank God for the great morning that greeted him.

Coups shifted his position making Jeonghan wake up upon the movement.

Jeonghan looked up and saw a pair of eyes glimmering with happiness.

"Good Morning." Coups greeted him with a wide smile.

"Good Morning, indeed." He replied.

They looked at each other for seconds finally getting into reality.

"Should I wake the kids now?" Coups suggested.

"Ehh, no~. Not yet. We still have a lot of time before their alarm goes out. Let's talk about your four days of hard work first, is it okay?" Jeonghan cutely whined

Coups chuckled and then got up. He sat on the bed and thought of the things he became so busy with these past four days.

"Mmm, let me think. Well, on that day that we left for the shoot, I really wanted to run back home. I thought of you every minute. I couldn't keep my composure and made excuses in my mind for us to go back to Seoul. Uh, what else? Uhmm, yeah. Vernon. Vernon even asked me why I was so down at that time. Of course I could not tell him the real reason so I just said it was nothing." Coups started telling

"That was cheesy huh?" Jeonghan chuckled. "And then..?"

Coups felt a little shy but still continued. "- and when we reached Yeoju, we immediately organized our stuff so we can start the shoot. Doogi PD rushed things that made him forget some important things like contacting our company that we have safely arrived."

The story continued about Coups extremely missing Jeonghan throughout those four days not until the kids' alarms went out.

Jeonghan smiled and blushed. He is really not the only one who have missed the other so badly. On hearing about Vernon, he remembered that Joshua also noticed him being down as well. He wanted to tell Coups about it but the time is already up and they need to wake the kids up first.


"Kids, wake up!!" Coups big voice rang in the dorm. The members were now half-awake and groaned after hearing the leader's command.

The two were holding each other's hand as they go from room to room waking lazy butts up. Jeonghan smiled as he is watching back again these morning alarms. He did missed these in just a few days.

Jeonghan suggested that he will prepare the food in the kitchen first and Coups nodded in approval. Jeonghan walk on light steps towards the kitchen and hummed a song.

He opened the fridge and saw packed meals which Doogi PD always brought every morning. He laid the food on the table and put utensils as well.


Minutes later, heavy footsteps was heard heading towards the kitchen. The kids were still rubbing their eyes of sleepiness. One by one, they sat on the dining table. Mingyu was back on his foot as the sight of food greeted him. He sure is all excited when it comes to food. Hoshi and DK were all pumped back up now. The two rarely runs out of energy.

All thirteen members started eating after Coups gestured. The breakfast was noisy, exchanging chats in no order. Slurps and mumbles, as well as laughs filled the morning.

Coups wanted to get up to get a glass of water but Jeonghan stood up and went instead. Jeonghan went back and gave the glass to Coups' as he thanked him. Without thinking, Jeonghan cupped and stroked the other's face as reply to his gratitude.

Hoshi saw what just happened and exclaimed. "Oh! What a sight! Our 'parents' are so lovey-dovey in the morning!" The members eyed the two paired with those cheeky smiles and they cheered them on.

Jeonghan was taken aback and almost hit himself out of embarrassment. He almost blushed on the suggestion.

"Hyung! I'm saying this, seriously. You really look good together. I don't even care if you're both men but there seems to be a spark between the two of you." Hoshi complimented.

The two looked at each other and chuckled.

"Really? Then what if, just what if, we two end up together? Will you support us?" Coups carefully suggested with a laugh.

"Of course, we will! Am I right guys?" Hoshi happily replied.

"Yeah! We will. Isn't it even great? Our 'parents' went all out and made their relationship real!" DK and the others added.

"HAHA. You guys~ well thanks! I guess?" Jeonghan laughed with his heart racing so fast due to happiness.

Joshua and Jun looked at each other that moment. There really seems to be something.


Meanwhile, Dino was secretly smiling and thinking to himself.

You guys just don't know it already happened. I was the happiest when I knew of it. I knew the two will end up together. I was so sure of it. Coups hyung's eyes were literally heart shaped every time he looks at Jeonghan hyung as I have observed since our trainee days. I just can't believe he managed to get Jeonghan hyung eventually. This seems fun. I wonder what the other members' reaction when they found out. Dino let out a soft chuckle.

"Dino-ah, why are you smiling to yourself? Haha. What were you thinking? Share it with us!" Seungkwan nudged the maknae.

"Ah, hyung~ I'll just say this instead. A surprising news will soon come out. Don't worry, it's a good one." Dino cryptically said as he looked at the couple.

The other members were confused of what the baby maknae had just said. They then continued to finish their breakfast.

Joshua felt that Dino might have a very good information in his hands, he wondered on getting a grasp of it later on.


A/N: As promised! I uploaded the full chapter today. I hoped you liked this chapter as well.

Things are sure getting interesting. I wonder how this turn out will.

By the way, I might be updating the next chapter weeks or even a month after. Dissertations, midterm examinations and projects were all piling up. Please, pray for my soul to survive this upcoming month guys. But don't you worry, I'll try to update if I'll have free time.



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