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"Is that so?" the president replied.

"Then I guess we have nothing to talk about here." He continued.

"Wh-what do you mean, sir?" Coups was confused.

He pressed on the telephone and called his secretary.

"Mina, let Doogi come in. He's been waiting decades outside."

"Alright, sir." The lady on the other line replied back.

Soon after the door clicked and opened, showing an anxious Doogi-PD.

He immediately stepped towards the table and looked at the president with an earnest eyes.

"Sir, please stop this. I could not afford to lose these kids. It's their dream and let them live their lives. If you want, you can fire me instead." Doogi said in a serious tone.

"Doogi-hyung!" the couple reacted.

"No, kids. I deserve this. I hurt your feelings and this is my payment and sorry to you. I should have not told you those cruel things." Doogi looked at them with his eyes brimming with emotions.

"Sir, please. I beg you. Please don't interfere with their personal lives. They deserve this happiness." Doogi held on the chances.

"What do you ever mean? I do not plan to interfere with their life." The president answered.

"Huh? Wh-what do you mean, Sir. I-I don't understand.."

"I am not trying to destroy their relationship and I won't ever in the future." The president cleared his throat.

The other three went dumbfounded.

The president slipped a hand on his pocket and got his phone. He dialed a number.

"Jin-ah, you can come in."

"Okay Sir."

"Sir, wh-what do you mean you don't plan to destroy our relationship?" Coups held his arm.

"Really Cheol? Do I really need to explain it?" the president sarcastically replied.

"B-but.." Coups was stopped when Jeonghan held his arm.

"Let them explain later, Cheol-ah." Jeonghan calmly said as he started to feel positive about it.

A knock on the door was then heard.

"Come in." the president answered.

"Good Morning Sir. I brought them." Jin said.

The president nodded.

The door opened wide and showed Jeonghan and Coups' mothers.

"Mom!" the two called in surprise.

"W-why are you here?" Jeonghan went near his mother and hugged her. He missed her mother so much and it was really a surprise seeing them unplanned same goes for Coups.

"Mr. and Mrs. Yoon, Mr. and Mrs. Choi, welcome. I'm glad you really came." the president shook hands with them.

"What's going on, Sir? Why are our parents here?" Jeonghan was so confused with the situation.

The president just smiled back at him then sat on his chair.

"As you can see dear parents, your children really do love each other." He chuckled.

"And the proof is right here in front of you. They even fought hard for themselves and even went to the point of giving up their careers and I don't think that you should stop these two lovebirds. The answer is all clear." He continued.

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