Shocking Discovery

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05:30 AM

Joshua and Jun have already woke up, feeling so uneasy.

They noticed each other and looked.

"Jun-ah, why are you already awake?" Joshua asked

"Mm, I've been feeling so uneasy these days Hyung." Jun scratched his head.

"Oh, why? What's the problem?" Joshua felt curious

"Well, I don't know if I could say this but.." Jun hesitated

"Why? What is it about? You can tell me anything, it's alright." Joshua explained.

"Uhh, it's about Coups hyung and Jeonghan hyung.." Jun tilted his head feeling even more uneasy.

Joshua's eyes grew wide. He had the same concern these past few days. He thought that maybe Jun might have noticed it too.

He pretended not to know anything and continued to ask about it.

"Remember, hyung, when we went to Busan?"


"When we were at the souvenir shop, Minghao asked me where the two eldest hyungs were.."
"And then I said no, I did not see them, so I went around the shop to look for them.." Jun started telling

Joshua seemed to have been right about it, it's possible that other mebers have noticed the two.

"When I went out, I called their name and the two hurriedly ran towards me from the alley behind the shop.."

"I wondered why they were there. I saw Jeonghan hyungs hair, it's kinda messy. Seems like he had just arranged it."
"I also noticed his more plump lips which got even more red." he continued.

"I was thinking some thoughts at that time, you know, that something might have happened then but I just shrugged it off."
"But when I saw Coups' hyung lips too, it's also red, just like Jeonghan hyung."

Joshua could not believe what Jun has just said. His jaw dropped upon the thought.
Of course, he would have also thought what Jun had said.

"I asked Jeonghan hyung why were his lips so red and he just said he accidentally bit it.''
"I'm not ignorant to those things hyung, of course. I know about those signs. Could it be that they were k-kissing?" Jun nervously told.

Joshua was so dumbfounded. He literally had his mouth open. His mind turning from what he had just heard. He felt so uneasy.

"Hyung?" Jun waved a hand in front Joshua's face.

Joshua now back to his self could not utter a word.

"Oh? Uhh..." Joshua confused of everything.

"I'm sorry, I should have not told this to you, hyung. Now you're becoming like me." Jun apologized.

"AH. No, no. It's alright." he defended. "Jun-ah, can we go and talk about this in the living room?" Joshua suggested.

"Yeah, sure, hyung."


They went out of the room and carefully tiptoed towards the living room to avoid making a sound.

They sat down on the couch, now on a very serious mode, they continued the conversation.

"You know Jun-ah, I also have noticed it, too." Joshua explained.

Jun almost screamed in surprise and eventually hushed himself.

"I was starting to notice them since the past months. Yes, I know they were close but I wondered why they are always together."

"During our last rehearsal, Mingyu asked me where the two went and I gave a negative response."
"The next 5 minutes, I saw the two went out of the office room, so I wondered why they were there, but it's not really a big deal."

Jun nodded on hearing the story.

"I've started to observe the two later on but I'm actually not that curious. But while we were on the rest stop going to Busan,
I saw them both, whispering to each other something. It seems not like the usual gesture because I saw a difference in their smiles."

"While on the bus, they were also gesturing about something, so I asked Jeonghan about it and he just answered that he does not know either."
Joshua is getting to the climax of the story.

"Now, after you have seen them outside, I was actually looking for them, too. So I was about to follow you outside when they suddenly appeared."
That's when I also noticed what you have noticed." Joshua paused for a while.

A growing tension was felt and he continued,

"Just this Sunday, after we ate our breakfast, I went to the kitchen to get some cold water and I accidentally heard the two calling endearments."

Jun's eyes grew wide just like Joshua a while ago.

"Babe." they both said in unison.

They looked at each other and just stared out of the shocking news.

"I heard Coups hyung call Jeonghan hyung 'babe' when we were walking towards the rest stop." Jun explained.

Both of them had one thing in mind. This calls out for a confirmation of what is really happening.
They decided to observe the two after, now with more keen eyes. They nodded on their plan and could not wait to confirm everythig after.

The two went back to their room to continue their sleep now that there's a clear reason.


8:30 AM

Dino woke up earlier than he expected and he could not get his sleep back so he decided to go to the eldest's hyungs room and sleep with his 'mom'.

He walked with light footsteps toward the room and carefully opened the door.
No creak was heard.

He enterd the room closing the door behind and when he faced the bed, he saw Coups and Jeonghan hugging each other on the bed.

Dino held a hand on his mouth covering his utter surprise.

He looked at the two closer and saw a more intimate hug than the usual.
Dino could not believe his eyes but shrugged the idea away. He decided to go out instead.

He carefully stepped back towards the door when suddenly a moan was heard from Jeonghan and he looked back at the two again.

"Mmm.." Jeonghan shifted his position and gave a peck on Coups' lips.

"Good Morning, babe." Coups smiled and gave a peck back to Jeonghan.

The two both smiled and hugged each other more tight.

Dino could not help but gasp upon seeing the two's action.

The two both heard the sound and looked towards the door and saw a very surprised maknae standing with his hand covering his mouth.


"DINO-YAH!" the surprised couple exclaimed.

"Uhhh..." Dino just let out a sound of confusion.

"Dino-ah, I can explain." Coups defended themselves.

"Baby, ah no. Dino-ah, hyung will explain to you. Let's talk about this." Jeonghan trying explain his situation to the maknae.

"Uh, hyung. No need." Dino replied
"I understand everything. It's alright." he smiled.

"B-but.." Jeonghan stuttered.

"It's okay, mom. I really do understand. I actually have thought of this too and it turns out to be actually real." Dino told with a cute smile.

"B-but I still wanna explain it to you Dino-ah." Coups trying to stop Dino.

"Explain it later, hyung. You go and continue your moment. Hehe. " Dino chuckled and went outside closing the door.
The couple was left in awe. Their mouth open in shock.

They looked and each other feeling confused but later laughed on the maknae's cuteness and understanding.

They lay back down on the bed and continued to hug each other as what has the maknae told them.
They stared at each other thinking of many explanations to do but erased the idea eventually.


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