Morning Coffee

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Doogi PD went for an early morning walk to Seventeen's dorm. He had just received a news about a group photoshoot for Ceci. He had informed the leader beforehand but he hasn't explained the matter well.

He arrived at the doorstep of the dorm and started typing the password. The door went open and he then went upstairs. Upon arriving on the main door of the dorm, he slowly turned the knob and peeked open if someone was already awake.

On the living room, Coups was sitting on the couch watching morning re-runs of the basketball game. While on the kitchen, Jeonghan was prepping up a cup of coffee for Coups. The two woke up an hour earlier than they expected so they decided to have coffee.

Jeonghan held a plate with bread and a cup in his other hand as he went to the living where Coups was watching TV.

"Here's your coffee, Babe." Jeonghan held out the coffee towards Coups and he received it with a smile.

"Thanks. Won't you join me here?" Coups asked Jeonghan.

"Yeah, in a moment after I go get my cup in the kitchen." Jeonghan answered while walking away for his coffee.

"Okay, then." Coups went back to his activity.

Jeonghan prepped up his coffee too but his is with cream as he can't seem to like black coffee. He opened the counter and looked for the creamer. After getting it, he went back mixing his coffee.

Coups grabbed his phone and checked for messages and there seemed to be emptiness as he hadn't received a message from Doogi PD. It's strange.

Jeonghan showed back up with a cup of coffee in his hand then sat next to Coups.

"What's wrong?" Jeonghan asked a-somewhat-bothered Coups.

"Hmm, it's just strange that I haven't received any text messages from Doogi-hyung. You know, especially that today is Monday and we seemed to have schedules for the day." Coups explained.

"Maybe he forgot to text you. Don't worry he might get back to you later." Jeonghan smiled then sipped from his cup.

"Yeah, I hope so." Coups laid down his phone in the coffee table.

He slightly leaned back and smelled his coffee. He loved Jeonghan's black coffee. It has been a while since he had a taste of it due to their busy schedules.

"Han-ah.." Coups looked the latter in the eye.

"Hmm?" Jeonghan looked back.

"Good Morning." Coups gave a wide smile.

"Good Morning, too, Cheol-ah." Jeonghan smiled back.

Coups laid his coffee on the table, faced Jeonghan and held his hand.

"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for being with me all the time. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for helping me get through each day. Thank you for smiling every time. And thank you for being mine. I love you so much."

Coups sudden words surprised Jeonghan. He could not fathom the deepness of the boy's words. He smiled and cupped Coups' cheeks and stroked his thumb.

"Thank you, also. And you're always welcome. I love you, too." Jeonghan smiled his eyes brimming with tears.

Coups slowly got up and kissed Jeonghan's forehead with all sincerity followed by a soft kiss on the lips.


"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for being with me all the time. Thank you for understanding me. Thank you for helping me get through each day. Thank you for smiling every time. And thank you for being mine. I love you so much."

Thank you, also. And you're always welcome. I love you, too

Doogi-PD had his eyes grow wide behind the door and held his mouth out of surprise from what he just saw and heard. The two eldest had just exchanged thanks, I love you's, and even kissed. He almost reached breakdown.

After seeing the romantic scene early in the morning, he decided not to enter the dorm and just went back to the office. He texted Coups of what to do for the day as he still cannot recover and planned to show up in the afternoon instead.


The two are now watching the game happily after that sugary moment. Minutes later, Coups received a text so he grabbed his phone and opened it. It was from Doogi-PD.


From: Doogi-hyung

Cheol-ah, I'm sorry for the late message. I won't be going there in the morning as I have matters to attend to. I'll be showing up later in the afternoon. There's nothing in your morning sched today only on the evening, for the photoshoot. Just prepare yourselves up any minute 'cause there might be sudden activities. That's all.


"Great! Haha. We could get more rest today!" Coups happily said.

"Why? Don't we have any schedules for the day?" Jeonghan wondered.

"We have but it's in the evening. We get to have a lot of time in the day, though we have to prepare ourselves for any sudden schedule change." Coups shifted himself on the couch.

"Also, we don't need to wake the kids early. So..." Coups with a cheeky smile suggested.

"So.. what?" Jeonghan narrowed his eyes to Coups.

Coups did not answer the question but instead grabbed and pulled Jeonghan into his arms then they lie on the couch.


"Yaah~ what are you doing?" Jeonghan cutely whined as he tried to resist from Coups tight hug.

"Hugging my morning pillow." Coups chuckled as he hugged Jeonghan tighter.

"Wow, so fluffy. Oh! What a silky hair! Hmmm~ what a fragrant smell." Coups buried his face on Jeonghan while sniffing him.

Jeonghan felt ticklish of the leader's actions and softly smacked his arms. But Coups just won't listen. He showered soft kisses on Jeonghan's neck, then in his chin, cheeks, nose, then to Jeonghan's forehead while he chuckled in between.

Jeonghan was giggling so much that his sounds reached the members' rooms.


Joshua who's disturbed by the sound went down from his bed and opened the door. He rubbed his eyes clearing his sight then he saw the couple hugging while giggling in the living room. He felt a slight pain in his chest as he saw Jeonghan laughed in happiness with Coups.

In all honesty, he liked Jeonghan since their trainee days. He just can't explain how it came to the point that he always wanted his attention and that explains why he always sat next to Jeonghan. But one thing has changed from the past months, he did not like Jeonghan anymore, but instead, he love him. He tried to confess his feelings but to got no right timing to say so.

During the past weeks, while he and Jun started to investigate about the relationship of the two, he held on chances that everything wasn't true. But what a cruel world, just days after, the two announced their relationship and even kissed in front of them.

What a painful sight. Of those times that you smiled with him, I held my chest out of the pain then faked a smile. He thought.

Han-ah, I wonder if I can still get close to you after someone has finally get to own your heart. I wonder if I can still sit next to you and talk about things like before. I wonder if you still have time to talk to me. I wonder when will this pain go away. I wonder if I still have a chance.

Joshua held his chest while he lowered his head. The pain doesn't seem to ease.


A/N: I updated another chapter.

...and yep. You're welcome. :D



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