Clearing Thoughts

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Coups went out of the dorm with heavy footsteps clad behind him. His expression dark as ever, thoughts filled with confusing things from Jeonghan kissing him in the morning to Joshua kissing Jeonghan in front of his eyes. With his fist still on hold, and head down he walked towards nowhere, he doesn't even know where he is going and just kept on walking.

"Why is this happening? Why now when everything was fine? Why now when I finally got someone to myself?" Coups looked up and sighed deeply.

I wish someone could explain everything to me, clear and all. I would understand, yes, I might.

Jeonghan ran down the stairs and looked from his right to left hoping to catch Coups in his sight.

"Cheol!" Jeonghan called on every step he makes.

He looked on every corner and alley he passes by but saw no sign of his lover.

His expression gradually going down. He trailed his hands on his silky hair with frustration and screamed to himself.

With nowhere to go, Coups eventually reached the riverbank. The perfect place to calm himself down. He deeply breathe and sat down. His hands touching the grass and pulled on some roots.

No words was coming out from his mouth. His eyes wandered on the scenery he is watching. Slowly, one by one, everything replayed in his thoughts.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't fazed by your charm. I know it might be difficult for you to bear this but.. I love you, Jeonghan-ah. Not as a fellow member or a friend but someone more special.

I don't intend to confuse your feelings but I think it's not fair for me to not tell my feelings.

Think weirdly of me, I don't care, but that's it, I love you, for real.

Coups threw a pebble on the river with his strength while calling Jeonghan's name. His thoughts continued.

Good Morning Babe. Wake up already or else..

Or else what?

Uhh.. or else I'll shower you with kisses!

Then that's nice, I won't move an inch here.

Yah~ get up already Cheol-ah.

No~ until I get a kiss from you, I won't get up.

Hmmp. No.

Would you still bear not to kiss me when these hot lips were in front of you?

Still no.

Okay, then I'll be the one to kiss you then with all my strength.

No. No. No you won't..

Here I come, muahahahahah.

Yah~~! Alright! Alright I lose!

(Coups chuckled and shifted himself back to bed. Right then Jeonghan leaned towards him and gave him a kiss added with the signature smile he had.)

Okay, I gave you a kiss already, now get up muscle-man.

No. One more.

What? No, no more.

Uh, please? Angel please?

Okay. Just one more, alright?

(Coups nodded and waited for a kiss. Jeonghan closed his eyes and kissed the leader once again but it was already late when Coups grabbed him in hug and kissed him back passionately)

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