Pure Happiness

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"Did anyone saw Jeonghan hyung and Coups-hyung today?" Jun asked.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen them this afternoon." Wonwoo recalled.

"W-where are they, hyung?" Minghao asked.

"They've gone out guys, they went to the company." Joshua inserted while coming out from his room.

"Company? Why?" Hoshi questioned.

"They defended themselves." Joshua simply stated.

"Defended? For what?" they all asked in unison.

"Well, apparently, Doogi-hyung had discovered their relationship and he told the company about it." Joshua stated as he rubbed his nape.

"Oh my God, what a mess." Jun covered his mouth in shock.

"Remember Doogi-hyung went here last night but did not go up and met us, and instead he had Coups go downstairs?" Joshua started to explain and everyone nodded from recalling.

"It was then that they had an argument about it. The company wanted them to separate because it might ruin their career. Well, Coups said, Doogi-hyung supported them but he was forced to say those things to him before he loses his job as our manager."

"Wow, I can't believe this. Can't the company just support them like we do?" Wonwoo reacted.

Joshua just shook his head with no more statements.

Dino, Seokmin and Hoshi entered the living room and saw the other boys gathered.

"What's up everyone? What are you talking about?" Hoshi cheerfully asked while dragging an eating Seokmin.

"Oh, Hoshi-ah, we were talking about the couple in our group." Jun answered.

"Couple? You mean Coups hyung and Jeonghan hyung?" Hoshi asked.

Jun nodded.

"Why? What's up with them, Jun-ie hyung?" the little maknae asked.

"Joshua hyung said they went to the company to defend themselves."

"Defend themselves, from what?"

"The company knew about their relationship and they wanted them to separate." Jun continued.

Dino and Hoshi looked at each other after hearing the news.

"I thought you deleted the message Chan-ah." Hoshi eyed the maknae.

"I did, hyung!" Dino defended.

"Oh? But how-"

"Guys, we don't know about that message you are talking about but they found out about it from Doogi hyung. He went here last night and reprimanded Coups hyung, well he did explained his side but it went to worse." Wonwoo interrupted.

"That's why they went there today, and it has been a few hours and they haven't come back yet." Joshua checked his watch.

Hoshi and Dino, as well as Seokmin who stopped eating was in shock upon hearing the worrisome matter.

"What should we do? Can we help them with this? I mean, we can go to the company now and help them defend themselves." Seokmin recommended a seemingly effective solution.

"Maybe you're right, Seokmin-ah. But I think we should let them handle this first and just wait for them to call us for help." Joshua clarified.

"Okay, hyung." Seokmin agreed with the suggestion.

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