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"Can you tell me what's wrong, babe? I'll listen." Jeonghan's worries has gone high due to his lover's actions.

Coups has now stopped crying. He sniffed and cleared his voice.

"Han-ah.." He sounded hoarse after the heavy tears he had just released.

"..will you ever leave me if someone.. tells us to separate?"

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan tried to clear his mind from what he had just heard.

"Just answer my question, baby." Coups sniffed.

"I won't. Of course I won't. Why are you saying this?" Jeonghan cupped Coups face.

Silence filled the room.

"Doogi hyung.. he said .. that we should separate.. that we should stop this relationship.."

"..he said this will ruin us and that this ridiculous gay love will.. ruin everything we had." Coups trailed.

"Wh-what? He knew? Doogi hyung said that?! Wha- how could he?!" Jeonghan was taken aback.

"He said the company knows about it, too. They might have been surprised and thought that this was they had Doogi hyung to tell this to me.." Coups held on Jeonghan's hand tightly.

Jeonghan fell silent. He could not process the words to say. Right then, a tear fell from his eyes.

"No, Han-ah.. I won't let us to separate, there's no way in this world!" Emotions were raging out of Coups when he saw Jeonghan tear up.

Jeonghan nodded and hugged Coups tightly.

His mind played thoughts on them separating and he just could not take it.

Coups' had not grown this so emotional for all of his life. He just felt all the anger he can take in this world and the thought of losing someone he loves takes it to another level.

Jeonghan sniffed and tears were flowing in his face as he hugged his lover.

"I don't like this..I hate this! Why do they have to do this to us?! Why break our happiness? How can they be so selfish?!" Jeonghan cried of anger.

"Han-ah, baby, look at me. Look at me." Coups let go of the hug and cupped Jeonghan's face then looked at him in the eyes.

"I'll talk with the president on this Han-ah.. I will solve this, no, we will solve this. I can't imagine a life without you. We'll go to the company tomorrow. Let's settle this out. Do you understand?"

Jeonghan looked down and nodded.

"I don't want to see you crying, baby. Please stop those tears." Coups had just gone crazily worried as he wiped Jeonghan's tears.

"Let us worry about things tomorrow. Okay?" Coups comforted.

"Let's go to sleep." He continued.

When Coups was about to get up Jeonghan tucked on his shirt.

"Sleep with me, babe. I don't want to sleep alone. I want to feel that you are really here.. and that we won't be separated." Jeonghan looked up with his puffy red eyes he got from crying so hard.

"I will." Coups smiled.

The two lied down on the bed. Coups tucked themselves under the blanket and his arm as Jeonghan's pillow.

Coups shifted himself and faced Jeonghan.

They looked at each other with eyes full of love. Coups tucked the strands of hair that fell on Jeonghan's face on his ear. He caressed his lover's cheek and leaned on for a kiss on the forehead down to Jeonghan's lips.

"I love you, Han-ah. Please remember that." Coups said as he kissed Jeonghan's lips.

Jeonghan closed his eyes on the sensation and assurance. Then the two drifted to sleep.


"Jin-ah! I ruined everything! I ruined the kids' happiness!" Doogi PD exclaimed as he slammed a bottle of soju on the table.

The manager felt frustrated and sorry for what he had said and done to Coups and Jeonghan. He met with Jin, the assistant manager and let out his anger with a drink.

"Hyung, stop drinking please. That's the fifth bottle now." Jin tried to grab the fifth bottle Doogi had drank.

" can't solve back everything if you're like this."

"Jin-ah..*hiccups* .. you .. you .. also think that I'm the worst, don't you?" Doogi pointed a drunk finger to Jin.

"Yes. You're the worst, hyung." Jin calmly said.

"How would you say those words to the kid? You're so stupid. It must have hurt Coups too much." Jin could not help but nag.

"I AM THE WORST!" Doogi stood up and shouted making the other customers on the stall look at him.

" also think I'm the worst right?!" he pointed another finger to a customer.

"Hyung, stop this please." Jin stood up and stopped the drunk man in front of him.

Doogi sat down on the chair and started a drama again.

"Jin-ah.. I should die..yes.. I should.."

"You know, hyung. I think you'll really die in this situation. Look at yourself. Instead of clearing things up, you had yourself get drunk and announced to the world that you're the worst." Jin calmly lectured the older guy.

"Yes.. I will die.." Doogi trailed and passed out.

Jin just rolled his eyes to the big problem his going to carry on his back upon going home.

"Haaa~ I don't know what to do with you anymore, hyung. You're such a bother." He said as he drank a pint of soju from his glass.

"Aish, there's no more left? Wow." He could not believe it.


"I love Jeonghan, and he loves me, too! We love each other, so there's no way that you can stop us!" Coups held a fist as he defended themselves in front of their president.

"Love? What love?" the president had only spoke 3 words.

"If you want to stop us, then we'll quit being an idol!" Coups exclaimed.

"Is that so?" the president just calmly said.

(to be continued)



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