Secret Revealed?

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Secret Revealed?

Coups woke up early in the morning after much thought nights before. Maybe the time has come for them to reveal the truth. He plans to tell Jeonghan about it the moment he wakes up.

While Coups is on the verge of thinking the reactions of their members, Jeonghan woke up from his sleep. He rubbed his still lazy eyes and looked behind him. Seeing a serious Coups on his bed, Jeonghan wondered what have happened.

"What's wrong?" Jeonghan approached his lover.

"Oh, Han-ah, you're awake. Good Morning." Coups looked up and smiled to Jeonghan

"Good Morning, too." Jeonghan greeted back and kissed the other's cheek.

He sat down beside the boy. Coups still looking serious.

Coups faced Jeonghan with a firm face.

"Han-ah, I think it's already time to tell them about our relationship." Coups looked on the latter's face.

Jeonghan surprised with the suggestion had no words coming out from his mouth.

"What do you think? Should we?" Coups asked him.

Jeonghan now back to himself, questioned his thoughts.

I think he's right. Maybe we should tell them already before things gets complicated.

Jeonghan smiled. "Yeah, I think we should before things gets more complicated."

Coups nodded and smiled back before holding the other's hand tightly.


The two went out of their room, now ready to wake the kids up. They entered Joshua, Jun, Woozi, and Hoshi's room. The boys are still in dreamland.

"Kids! Wake up! Wake up!" Coups now in morning alarm mode.

As usual, the lazy kids only groaned and covered themselves with pillow and blankets but not too long, Coups pulled the sheets off.

"I should go wake the maknaes up." Jeonghan held Coups' shoulders then the leader nodded.

Jeonghan roamed the room and slowly pulled the door knob. Upon opening the door, Dino had already jumped towards him, hugging him tightly which made him almost drop his chest in surprise.

"Dino-yah~ ah, you surprised me. You were awake already, wow!" Jeonghan smiled and patted the baby maknae's head.

"Good Morning, Mom!" Dino greeted with a wide smile.

Jeonghan just chuckled with the maknae's cuteness. "Good Morning, our baby maknae. Help me wake your hyungs up, will you?"

"Sure!" the kid answered and hopped towards Seungkwan and Vernon's bed.

"Hansol-hyung! Wake up! Kwannie-hyung, you too!" Dino excitedly woke the two up.

Dino seemed to be a lot lively today. Minutes later everyone is up and went to the dining room where Coups and Jeonghan was waiting.


The two was in a serious mode which made the members wonder what's going on. They sat on their chairs carefully, thinking they might have done something wrong.

"Kids, there's something I need to tell you. I mean we." Coups on a stern voice.

The members were all on their attention towards their leader. Their eyes were attached to Coups when they saw a movement in his hands.

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