Hide and Seek

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"What should I do, President?"

"Do what I've told you before. This is not getting anywhere."

"Okay, I understand."

*call ended*

Doogi-PD laid his phone on the desk then breathed deeply. He is having a real serious situation to handle.

I'm very sorry about this guys. He though then sighed.

He got up on his feet and went out of his office.

"Maknae-ah~! Where are you?" Jeonghan was looking the maknae who took his phone away from him.

He saw Hoshi and DK on their room and asked about Dino.

"Kids, have you seen Dino?" Jeonghan asked.

"No, hyung. I haven't. Why?" DK answered.

"Ah, it's just that he took away my phone, I wonder what he's doing with that." Jeonghan scratched his head.

Hoshi was just silent on the side, seemingly hiding something.

"How about you Soonyoung-ah, have you seen Dino?" Jeonghan asked the unusually silent kid.

"Oh? Ah.. I haven't hyung. Sorry." Hoshi replied.

"Okay, thanks. I gotta go ask others." Jeonghan left the room.

"Thank you hyung! Phew, I thought I'll get caught." Dino got out of the closet.

He's pretty small to have himself fit inside.

"Yah, Dino-ah, why are you hiding from Jeonghan hyung? And what's with the phone?" Hoshi asked.

"Ah.. " Dino sat next to Hoshi.

"Hyung, please don't tell anyone about this, especially Jeonghan hyung and Coups hyung." Dino said in a soft voice.

"What's going on?" DK inserted.

"Hyung, come on. I'll tell you." Dino gestured DK.

"Actually, I was playing a game a while ago with Jeonghan hyung's phone then suddenly a text message arrived."

"What does it say?" Hoshi asked.

"Well. I actually did not want to read the message because it's his privacy but when I saw who the sender is, I immediately opened it."

"Who?" DK felt nervous from the maknae's words.

"It's from Doogi-hyung." Dino answered.

"Ah.. from Doogi hyung. So what's the big deal?" DK felt relieved.

"Yes, it's from Doogi hyung, but it seems that he sent the message to Jeonghan hyung wrongly." Dino stated.

"What does it read anyways?" Hoshi grabbed the phone.

"Should I really do it? I mean, it's their happiness. I can't do this. The two is happy with their relationship, it's better not to cut it. I can't separate the two. Please, Jin-ah, tell the president to stop this. It's the kids' happiness."

The three of them looked at each other.

"Wha.. what is this?" Hoshi could not believe what he just read.

"Is Doogi hyung talking about Jeonghan hyung and Coups hyung?" DK asked.

"I guess so. There's a big chance he is talking about them, I mean.. they are in a relationship, unless if there's any other couple within this group." Hoshi replied.

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