Home Alone

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10:10 AM

Saturday is a day where no schedule was set for Seventeen and all the rest they wanted will be theirs. No sign of urgent calls, no sign of Doogi PD, no meetings, no whatsoever.

Everyone was gathered in the living room and they were talking about what they should do for the day. They had all the rest they wanted and now wants to eliminate the boredom.

Hoshi and DK proposed a game, the paper kissing game, the one where each member passes the paper using their mouth. Some members were excited while some does not liked the thought of might be chance of kissing if someone fails to do the game properly. However, many of them agreed with the game as it will be much funnier if that happens.

Woozi decided to host the game as what he does not feel playing the game. He divided the group into 3 teams, 4 members each.

On the first team was Wonwoo, Mingyu, Vernon and Seungkwan. The8, Hoshi, DK, and Jun on the second and on the last team is S.Coups, Jeonghan, Joshua and Dino.

After some preparations, they started the game.

On the first team, Vernon just calmly passed the paper to Seungkwan who always felt the tense in the game, while the other two, just passed the paper easily just like people who always played the game. They ended up with 7 points.

Next is Hoshi's team who played it smoothly with the help of Jun who seemed like an expert in this. Just like a vacuum cleaner, Jun made the paper stick into his mouth with no sign of failing on passing it to the other. They earned 19 points, thanks to Jun, the vacuum cleaner. (lol)

The last team, on the other side had a hard time passing the paper as Joshua is trying to adjust to Dino's height and ends up dropping the paper, while he had several paper passed on to S.Coups. Meanwhile, Coups pretended to be having a hard time in passing the paper to Jeonghan so he acted like he cannot hold the paper well. On, a kind of, ''accident'' Coups made the paper fall while passing it to Jeonghan making them touch their lips.

Everyone screamed in reaction, laughing and some looks in disgust. Jeonghan felt red. Blood rushing to his face. He touched his lips while laughing at the situation. Coups pretended to not like the idea of them touching lips to prevent the other members on noticing his actions. He, of course, actually liked the idea and decided to do it again. On the second attempt, their lips touched again and the members reacted in unison again, disgusted, felt a cheesy air and some rooted on for the two. Joshua seemed to have feelings of uneasiness. He looked at the two like they seemed to have been faking the act but later on shrugged it off thinking it might be just his imagination.

Jeonghan lightly hit Coups' shoulder gesturing him to stop the act. Coups just laughed and apologized with a big grin. The team got 4 points only due to Coups' cheekiness.


Hoshi's team won the game and wanted a prize but Woozi did not have it prepared so Coups decided to give everyone money to go the convenience store to buy something for themselves as well as the losing team. Coups decided to stay in the dorm as he does not feel like going out and just asked Woozi to buy for him too. Meanwhile, Jeonghan felt a little dizzy so he decided to stay, too.

In coincidence, the two were left alone. They looked at each other and smiled.

It was Coups plan. When the other members were busy partying for the prize he gestured Jeonghan to stay at home and he decided to ask the others to go buy something out. What a sly person he is.

When everyone went out, the two sat on the couch. Jeonghan was sitting while Coups was lying on his lap. They were looking at each other face to face. Jeonghan carressed Coups face and smiled.

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