Special Chapter: Full of Emotions

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Full of Emotions

"Hey Kids, where's your 'mom'?" Coups jolted up upon arriving the dorm.

"Coups hyung! Welcome back! It's been a month since I last saw you!" Hoshi cheerfully greeted the leader.

The members greeted him one by one too.

"I'll have the welcome later guys, so where's Jeonghanie?" Coups chuckled.

"He's in the room, hyung. He's said he's been waiting for you like forever." Dino chuckled as he answered.

Coups immediately went to their room. As he opened the door, silence was only heard.

He looked around and saw a sleeping Jeonghan on the bed. His body facing the bed.

Coups tiptoed towards him carefully making sure no noise will crack.

"Jeonghanie~ babe~" He whispered as he sat on the bed.

He leaned on and dropped half of his body on top of his lover.

Jeonghan reacted on the sudden heavy thing clad on his back.

Coups smiled and continued his whispers near on Jeonghan's ear.

"Baby~ I'm home." He whispered again making Jeonghan groan and shift his face.

Coups kissed Jeonghan's cheek while rubbing his back.

"Baby, wake up please? Please?" his voice became deeper and faint as he shoved his face on Jeonghan's neck.

Jeonghan did not nudge at all so Coups decided to use his secret weapon.

He showered kisses on Jeonghan's neck, planting short but slightly deep ones making marks.

Jeonghan giggled upon the tickly feeling. His neck folded.

"Yah~ Stop it~" Jeonghan smacked Coups shoulders trying to stop him.

"I am not stopping until you won't get up." Coups chuckled as he continues marking.

"Alright! Alright~! I'll get up" Jeonghan exclaimed as he spurted a big laugh.

Jeonghan eventually got up on his back, his face flushed.

Coups let out a small laugh as he saw Jeonghan's red face.

"I'm home~" Coups greeted as he open his arms for a welcome back hug.

But Jeonghan just looked at him with a serious expression.

"Oh? Aren't you happy? I'm back, babe!" Coups felt weird with the reaction.

"Pssh. Yes, you came back but it almost took you forever to do so." Jeonghan crossed his arms and faced his back towards Coups.

"Ahh~ I'm sorry about that babe~ It's just that my family and relatives won't let me go back quickly. They want to spend more time with me.

"But you were almost a month home already! Did you not even miss me? Or us?" Jeonghan still mad about Coups being away for long.

"I missed you of course! All the time! And the members too!" Coups defended.

"You missed me? But you hadn't text me for a week! It was all good at first but then you suddenly cut-off connections. I even tried calling you but I can't reach your phone." Now Jeonghan was really angry.

"I'm really sorry about it baby~ please forgive me~ Please? Pretty please?" Coups on his begging knees.

"I'll forgive you if you'll give me the reason why you did not contact me for a week." Jeonghan firmly stated.

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