Embarrassing Moment

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Coups' uneasiness towards the situation filled his days. Even after few breaks from schedules, he still can't get away from his thoughts. He grew more conscious towards Joshua's actions and even judged Jeonghan's response to it.

It's a Saturday and everyone's off from heavy schedules. Coups decided to go out and calm his mind. He thought of stopping by on a nearby café. Just before he was about to go out of the dorm, Jeonghan called him.

"Cheol-ah, where are you going?" the blond asked while drying his hair.

"Ah.. Just stopping by on the café for a cup of coffee." Coups flashed a timid smile.

"Really? Do you want me to go with you?"

"Nah, it's okay. It'll be quick. I can go buy one for you if you want though."

Jeonghan pondered for a while.

"Hmmm, maybe a Caramel Macchiato for me." The boy beamed a cheerful smile.

"Caramel Macchiato it is. Sure. I'll be back in a while." Coups nodded and waved goodbye as he goes out.

Jeonghan felt something off about Coups today, he wondered if something might have happened. Right then, Joshua arrived in the dorm from grocery shopping with Jun and The8.

"What's wrong Han-ah? You seemed to be in deep thoughts." Joshua laid the bags on the table.

"Oh, Jisoo-ah. I wanna ask you something. Did you notice something off with Cheol today?" Jeonghan rested his hands on Joshua's shoulder.

"Hmm, I haven't. Why? Is he in a bad mood?" Joshua shook his head.

"Ah, nah. Nothing. Forget I said something." Jeonghan smiled then looked at the bags the three members brought.

"Ah! You forgot my shampoo! Nooo~" Jeonghan screeched in disappointment.

"Oh right! I'm so sorry Jeonghan hyung. I forgot. I'm really sorry. I'll go back and buy it." Jun snapped his hands and asked for an apology.

"Nah, it's alright Jun-ah. I'll go buy for it. You go rest inside." Jeonghan assured the boy.

He put on comfortable clothes, grabbed his wallet and went out of the dorm. He was humming a song while walking down the street when he saw the café where Coups went. He stopped and looked for his lover. After a few seconds, he spotted Coups on the corner, he seemed to be waiting for his order. Right then, a girl bringing two cups of coffee approached Coups and sat in front of him.

Jeonghan's eyes immediately reacted. He doesn't seem to know who the girl is. It's the first time he saw this girl.

The two seems to be talking about something serious. Jeonghan hid behind the wall where he can't be clearly seen. He tried to listen to the conversation but heard nothing because of the thick glass in between. Moments later, the girl held onto Coups' hand tightly, even caressing it while Coups even smiled to the girl.

Jeonghan's eyes grew wide as his hands covers his mouth in shock.

What is this?! Who is that girl?! Why is she holding Cheols' hands? And Cheol seemed to be okay with it! What is happening?? Is he cheating on me? Is this why he doesn't want me to go with him a while ago? Because he's meeting some unknown girl?! Ha!

Jeonghan's mind was filled with anger added with extreme jealousy. He wanted to punch the glass with it but he stopped himself and decided to leave. His heavy footsteps rammed the stairs as he went back to the dorm forgetting the shampoo he was supposed to buy.

"Han-ah. Did you bo-"Joshua got cut when Jeonghan just passed by him and went inside his room.

Jeonghan slammed the door behind him and sat on his bed. His expression went dark as if wanting to kill someone today.

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