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Y/N Pov
I walked into the offices to hear yelling. I looked around the conor to see Jin and Adam yelling at each other.
Adam's Pov
"Jin so what?!" I shouted. "Why did you push them together?!" He shouted back. "Why do you care?! You hurt her!! She went to the hospital because of you!" I yelled pointing at him. "Well tell her to give me a reason on why she broke up with me! She never did!" He shouted. "She did! She said she loved another!" I yelled. "Who I want to know!" He yelled. "I don't know! She never told anyone!" I yelled. "You know what?" He asked. "No," I said. "IM OUT!!!!" He yelled walking into his office and slamming the door. I looked down and a tear dropped. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Y/N. "Was I hard," I asked as I started to tear up. She shook her head and hugged me. I hugged back as I let go of those tears I held back. "You.... You did the right thing," she said as tears rolled down her face. She pulled away and whipped away my tears with a smile. I smiled and we seprated.
Y/N Pov
I was about to run into my office when something grabbed me. "Huh?" I said turning. The thing threw me to the ground with a thud! "It's your fault!" The thing yelled at me. "What?" I asked looking at the thing as my eyes watered. The thing came into the light to be Jin. "J-J-Jin....?" I asked backing up. "It's YOUR FAULT!" He yelled running towards me. I pulled into a ball repeating, "It's my fault."
Ross Pov
I walked into a hallway to see Y/N throw her self to the ground and ask, "What?" I walked a little closer and she started backing up not noticing me. She curled up into a ball repeating, "It's my fault." I run towards her and shook her. "Y/N?" I asked. Adam came running in. "What did you do now?!" He shouted. "Nothing!" I shouted and explained what I saw. We shook her until she finally stopped. She looked up at me then Adam. "Y/N?" Adam asked. "It was a dream?" She asked. "What was a dream?" I asked. "Jin? The fight? Him saying it's my fault?" She asked. "The fight.... Did happen.... But Jin saying it's your fault? What?" He asked. She explained what I saw but with Jin. "Your seeing things...." I said getting up. "You did that to yourself," I said pulling her up. "I.... I did?" She asked. "Yes..." I said. That's when Jin came out of his office pulling a suitcase and holding two bags. "Jin?" Y/N asked. "I'm out!" He said walking towards and the exit and disappeared outside. We looked at each other than ran to his office. "It's...." Y/N began. "Empty...." Adam continued. "Nothing..." I said. "Oh pars..." Barney said behind us. We turned and looked at him. "Whats?" He asked.
I'm sorry this is short! I wanted to pay for how long you guys had to wait. Ok Jin... I know he's gone and by Adam's Super Fun Mail Time it sounded like Jin left because of a fight. To keep it with the storyline I made it about Y/N. So I hope you enjoy! Puppah out!

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