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Cait's Pov
Okay so it's been a few days and now it's Y/N's birthday. The whole crew is coming including me and Kyle. I'm gonna steal Ross right in front of the whole birthday party! He's mine and will forever be mine! I grabbed a purple top that ends about a two inches above my belly button and a pitch black short skirt which has a narwhals at the bottom. I brushed my blonde hair and put it in a high pony. I then after put a light blue bow with light grey lines on it right where the hair thing is to hold the pony tail. I grabbed a box with paw print wrapping paper. I walked out the door and into my car and drove to Adam's house.
Y/N Pov
Everyone forgot! They all forgot my birthday well everyone except Noah and Maddilan. "So the fairest wheel?" Noah asked. "Sure!" I yelled hugging my seal plush Noah won me. Maddilan giggled as we reached it. Me and Noah got in a cart and were waiting for Maddilan but she closed it on us and it started. "Uh oh!" My grip tightened on the cart. "What's wrong Y/N?" Noah asked worried. "I forgot I'm afraid of heights!" I yelled. We came at a stop at the top. He put his arm around me. He smiled and pulled out a phone a called someone. He took his arm away and scooted away from me and whispered a few things then the cart started moving down slowly. It stopped at the bottom and we got out. I glared at Maddilan who was smirking. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "What now?" He asked as the sun shined it's last hours before the stars would show. "Maybe home?" Asked Maddilan as I yawned. "Sure..." I said putting my head on her shoulder then lifting it. We past some fans so I put my hood up (your wearing a black hoodie with a white wolf on it and jeans yea!) and Noah put sunglasses on. We got to the car and started driving home. We soon pulled into the drive way. We all got out and walked in to silents and darkness. Noah turned the lights on and everyone jumped out from Devon to Cory. I smiled, "seriously?" I asked. "Welcome my 20 year old little sis!" Screamed Adam and I blushed.
(Time skip to mid party)
I hugged Kyle. "Thanks for planing this!" "No problem," he smiled. I smiled then saw Cait, WAIT FLIRTING WITH ROSS!! I growled as Max and Kyle shared the same confused face. I walked towards them and made Cait stop flirting. "Hey YN/N!" She smirked at me. I growled under my breath. "May I speak to you Cait?" I asked. "Sure!" We walked into another room. "What was that?!" I snapped. "What? Me and Ross falling for each other?" She growled smirking. I groaned, "He's not falling for you!" I snapped. "Sure...." She teased. "Then why would he say that he will think about it when I asked him out?" She giggled. I gasped, "W-w-what?" "Yep!" She smirked and left me to take in what just happened. Had I finally fallen for Ross again to lose him..... I brushed it off and went back to the party with a fake smile. I walked to Ross. "So your going out with Cait? I asked. "Maybe..." He said. I sighed, "Cool!" I lied. Cait came back glared at me than stood next to Ross. "So have you decided?" She asked looking up at him. "I have. I'll go on one date with you and see what happens," Ross said putting his arm around her. I put on a fake smile. "C-cool!" I said. Ross walked away to get drinks. "So I'm going on date with Ross. So maybe we'll become a thing," she giggled evilly. I smiled a fake smile as he left to Ross but I actually felt like I was just crushed.
Omg sorry narwhals!!!! I have a post of this but I want to say, I had a party on Saturday and lost my phone. I couldn't post not do anything but I found my phone and I'm here now! I'm sorry but that's past and now I'm just glad I'm back bye narwhals! Puppah/Sky out!

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