A Wicked Night!

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The picture above is game called Animal Jam! My new account is Winterwonderland8601. See yea in Jaama!! 
Y/N Pov
I woke up to the smell of pancakes. "Nice to see you awake sleepy head," I deep voice laughed. I looked to the side to see Drake. I held my breath for a second then let it go. He looked older and was that... A WEDDING RING!! I looked at my hand to see a wedding ring. "NOOO!!" I shouted waking up in the hospital. "What happened?!" Asked a doctor rushing in. "Nothing, sorry to scare you it was a nightmare," I sighed. "Oh ok. Try not to scare us again and your allowed to leave when your ready," the girl said walking out. "Thanks!" I said. I grabbed a purple top and jean shorts. I got dressed then opened and walked out the door. I sat outside waiting for Adam when Ross pulled up. "Hey, jump in," he said. I got in the front seat and put my seat belt on. "Hey," I said leaning back on the seat and looking forward. "So your safe," he said still driving. "Quiet. Please," I said softly. I looked out the window. "Why?" He asked as he stopped at a red light. "I was just in the hospital. For the second time!" I said annoyed. "Oh...." He said as the light turn green. The drive was quiet after that and a little awkward. We pulled up to Adam's house so he could see me. "Hey," said Adam letting us in. "We're having a movie night went to come?" Alesa asked. "Sure," me and Ross said. Adam nodded when his phone buzzed. "Oh uh... Be right back!" He said walking away.
Adam's Pov
I nodded my head when my phone buzzed. I looked at it to find a call. "Oh uh... Be right back!" I said walking away. I answered to a sweet soft girl voice. "Hey Adam! Barney told me about the movie night so I can make it if I can come," she said. "Oh yes Jess! You're allowed," I said. "Thanks see yea later!" She said cheerfully. Last I heard yes her scream, "Josh no! Give the phone back!" Then the call ended. I turned my phone off and waked back to everyone. "Just Jess! She's coming," I said. "Didn't she move to Washington?" Y/N asked. "Yes!" I said cheerfully.
(Time skip to night)
Y/N Pov
Everyone was there and the Polar Express was playing. Adam sitting next to Alesa and Barney next to him. And Jess And Ross next to me leaving me in the middle. I smiled and softly sung along to the sweet song. Jess clapped at the end. Probably because of me.
(Time skip to the end of the movie)
Y/N Pov
I grabbed my phone. "I'll be back stay here!" I shouted running outside. I called Noah and snuck some boxes in wrapping paper inside. I heard a knock on the door and yelled, "I'll get it!!" I opened the door to Noah. I pulled him into a room and shut the door. "So what song?" He asked. I whispered something into his ear. "Ok," he said. "Wait here!" I ordered sneaking out. "Everyone! Living room now!!" I shouted. They listened and me and Noah came out of the room with presents. "What is this!" Said Adam. "Just a little something to all of you!" I said cheery. Me and Noah handed them each a box. They smiled when I yelled, "Open!" Adam opened his and stared with amaze at the budder sword. I giggled. "Mes next!" Shout Barney before Adam could say anything. He  smiled and laughed at the homemade green sweeter with a white goat on it. "Ok me!" Yelled Ross. He opened it to find a narwhal snuggie. "This is awesome!" He said. "Barney stole yours sooo. WELCOME!" I said. "Me!" Said Jess. She opened it to find a homemade thing of her skin, my skin, and Laurence's skin. "It's cute! But why Laurence?" She asked. "It's one of my favorite characters!" I said. (No lie he's my FAV!! #Laurmau!!) "Ok," she giggled. Alesa opened hers and gasped at the fan mail and at the little sky and Alesa baby onesie. "Thank you," they all said. Noah smiled but I could tell he was a little upset. I smiled and handed him a weirdly wrapped present. He raised his eyebrow. "Open it!" I said. He did as told and gasped. "The new guitar I wanted!" He exclaimed. I giggled. "Welcome!" I said. Noah started playing Let it Snow and I sat next to him. I started signing.

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Man it doesn't show signs of stopping
And I brought me some corn for popping.
The lights are turned way down low
Let it snooow! Let it snow!
When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
And the fire is slowly dying
And my dear we're still goodbyeing
But as long as you'd love me so
Let it snow! Let it snow! And snow!
(Noah's guitar)
(Back to you singing)
When we finally kiss goodnight
How I'll the going out in the storm
But if you really grab me tight
All the way home I'll be warm
Oh the fire is slowly dying
And my dear we're still goodbyeing
But as long as you'd love me so
Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Every one clapped and Ross went out of the room. "I'm sorry Y/N," Alesa said. "We didn't et you anything," said Adam. I started hearing barking. "Huh?" I asked. Ross came into the room with Sparky and a husky pup following him. "New dog?" I asked. "Nope! Your new dog!!" Said everyone but Noah. I smiled and scooped up the puppy. "I think I'll call you..... Winter!" I said. Both of the dogs came and snuggled with me. "Hey why not everyone spend the night! It's 12:01!" Said Adam. Everyone nodded as everyone split off. Me and Ross each got on one of the two couches. "Goodnight and merry Christmas," I said as Sparky and Winter laid at the end of the couch. "Goodnight," yawned Ross and we all drifted off to sleep.
Ok so short chapter long time late Christmas special... Sorry narwhals again I had something planed and i forgot but I worked it out! Leave in the comments if I should make a book for random things like tags info things about me? If I do please don't ask for face reveal! I'm sorry... But yes next chapter it Christmas and two new character we heard about but have spoke/seen yet may be seen!

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